

Calm, Cool and Connected with ResourcefulMommy

I'm a huge fan of! Her site was one of the first blogs I found when I got on Twitter! She is the Mommy of all resourceful sites! She is the one, the only, Resourceful Mommy! She is the host of numerous Website warming's each week. IF you want to know what product has a new site or launching a campaign she is the go to Mommy!

Tonight she is hosting a site warming for the sponsor, AT&T's Calm, Cool & Connected Blog. The blog was launched by moms and dads who are employees at AT&T. The site is set up for parents to connect and learn about current technology to keep their family "calm, cool and connected." You can join their newsletter, site feed and follow on Twitter. They have giveaways offered each month! The most interesting thing I learned is that they are not paid by AT&T to do this!

Go to ResourcefulMommy and RSVP for their sitewarming tonight! Of course the sponsor has prizes to be won! I head that there are 4 Blackberry Pearl 8110's and gift cards!

See you there!

I"ll be tweeting as @susieqtpies and of course you must follow @ResourcefulMom!

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