Thanks to HarperCollins for sending me Sleepless Nights to review! They are also giving me 3 copies to pass on to my readers!
This is the first book that I read by Sarah Bilston. She has also written Bed Rest.
After the pregnancy from hell, motherhood has to be plain sailing, right? Quinn "Q" Boothroyd is in for a shock.
And baby Samuel isn't the only thing on Q's mind—she and her husband, Tom, have some difficult decisions to make in a sinking economy. Do they still want to be big-firm lawyers, or is it time to scrap their former careers and try something new? When a chance opportunity introduces them to an eccentric small-town lawyer, the couple's integrity—and marriage—is tested to the limit.
Meanwhile, Jeanie, Q's younger sister, is having problems of her own. Boyfriend Dave seems dangerously close to popping the question, but is she ready to settle down?
There are sleepless nights all around this summer: one woman will wake up to motherhood, the other to becoming an adult. Both must dare to make their beds—and lie in them.
I personally loved the story between the three sisters. I have three daughters and I could easily relate to this triangle of interaction. It was a very engaging theme and the characters were outstanding. Down side of the book would be that it was only 284 pages!! I could have easily taken on double that!The author did a great job bringing in real life issues of marriage, new child and career. These are real issues couples have to deal with. I loved how the characters dealt with these everyday issues. I was very pleased at how well she pulled the couple together to work on their problem.
Three readers can get their own hardback copy! Leave separate comments for each entry. Make sure you leave your email at least once so that I can easily contact you if you win! ENTRY 1- Have you had a sleepless night? IF so what did you do! IF not what would you do? (this is your entry and has to be done first)
BONUS (Do one, all or none)
1- Join my blog via Google Friend connect and or Networked blogs (right sidebar) 3 entries for each one you join.
2-Follow me on twitter as @susieqtpies (3 entries)
3-Tweet the giveway daily "Win Sleepless Nights http://bit.ly/1ad7UH with @susieqtpies" (5 entries)
4-Enter any other giveaway or comment on any other book/music reviews on my blog (5 entries each) they are on the right sidebar.
ENDS NOVEMBER 3rd! U.S. residents only. Random.org chooses the winners. You will have 48 hrs to give me your address or I'll pick a new winner. HarperCollins is the sponsor and will be mailing the books to the winners.
I guess I post my sleepless night message here?
ReplyDeleteI had a few after Em and I came home from the hospital. She had her nights and days messed up a lot. I was in the hospital for a week after Emily was born. I had a lot of complications and also slept a lot, or just not able to care for Emily. So the nurses had to do most of the feeding unless I had visitors. So from the get go she had no schedule. And when we brought her home she first kept my mom awake all night because for the first couple nights we stayed at her house so I'd have more help.
One night I remember most is shortly before her first Christmas she just wouldn't sleep one night. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible. I just tried to do anything that might put her to sleep. When she would go to sleep I would think it was safe to sleep. Well I'd be just about asleep and she'd wake up. She slept very little that night. And the weird thing is we had to go Christmas shopping the next day and she hardly slept at all that day too.
I actually have had many sleepless nights and I would either read a book or watch a movie!
ReplyDeletekalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
Marianne... you are following my blog on the FB Networked blogs so you get an extra entry!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I have sleepless nights I just keep reading whatever book it is I am reading. You would think my sleepless nights would be few and far between with 3 little boys but I have probalby 2 a week...yawn!!!
I've had many sleepless nights but not because I have children since I don't yet. I'm in college so usually my sleepless nights involve me staying up to finish a paper or study for an exam.
I follow you on twitter as andiev107
I also entered the Crowning Glory giveaway
I have had many sleepless nights, some from sick kiddos and some from stress. Each sleepless night varies in cause and "treatment", but mainly I try to think of the good things to either help get me through the night, or to help me fall asleep. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm following you on twitter (rmgm)
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ReplyDeleteI entered for your make ahead meals giveaway too.
ReplyDeletetwo darling daughters at gmail dot com
Sleepless nights? That's every night, for me. How do I cope? I write for a few hours and then read until I'm dozing soundly. Yes, I wake up in the morning, book still in hand - hopefully marking the page where I dozed off.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a good read!
I'm also retweeting your post
Many a sleepless nights at my house - I used to work night shift (7p-7a) and it was REALLY hard switching back and forth from nights to days on my days to work and my days to be off!
ReplyDeletemannasweeps (at))))) gmaildotcom
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ReplyDeleteI follow on google friend connect (3)!
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ReplyDeleteentered the tall dark and fangsome giveaway
ReplyDeleteI have had sleepless nights a lot lately because my hubby is working late and I usually just read a good book until my eyes are heavy and I drift off
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I have had a sleepless night. Benadryl helps.
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When I can't sleep, I normally study for a really boring class...I usually get tired within an hour. Studying a really helps to put me to sleep ;)
ReplyDeletesavingforhome at gmail dot com
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ReplyDeleteI have insomnia so I have many sleepless nights. I usually will get online to waste some time and try to get sleepy
ReplyDeleteI entered the Tall, Dark, and Fangsome giveaway.
2.I entered the Tall, Dark, and Fangsome giveaway.
I twittered
3.I entered the Tall, Dark, and Fangsome giveaway.
4.I entered the Tall, Dark, and Fangsome giveaway.
twitter entry 2
5.I entered the Tall, Dark, and Fangsome giveaway.
twitter entry 3
Oh with two teens I've had plenty of sleepless nights! I no longer fight them and instead scrap, read or return emails and have a nice cup of tea.
ReplyDeleteHappy to have found your blog!
Thanks for the entry!
Following your blog!
Following you on Twitter!
Tweeted @fctionaddiction
Left a comment on your Simply Salads recipe book review post! Great book and I loved the pictures of the salads you made -- yum!
I had dozens of sleepless nights during my difficult pregnancy.
ReplyDeletelovemybabysquid at yahoo dot com
tweeted, entered tall dark and fangsome, follow you *greatmasteryoda*
ReplyDeleteI ended up with 4 books so 4 winners!!! They are Marianne Born, Andrea, Marianna and Donna! I'm sending out emails. You will have 48 hrs to contact me with address! Thanks!