

10 Little Things that Lead to a Happier, Healthier You!

 My Tuesday top 5 will actually be top 10 little things that you can do to help you be happier and healthier!  If you stop and think about your every day routines I bet you can easily come up with 10 things all on your own.  Just think of 10 things that you are doing that are not  healthy and work to do the opposite!  Start small and slowly add in new things each week!

1) Park the car at the opposite end of the Mall so that you will have to walk all the way to the one store you need and then all the way back.  (Don't be tempted to stop for cookies or a pretzel.)

2)  I love family dinner time! Make sure you are having family dinner time as often as you can.  Turn off the TV and music.  Drop all cell phones on the kitchen counter.  If they ring or vibrate during dinner, stop and look at everyone and crack up laughing.  Guess which phone is ringing , who it might be and why do you think they are calling! 

3) Spring time is the best time to get outside and plant some flowers! I don't have a very green thumb but I love tossing seeds into pots (with dirt) and watch for growth!!!  It is a fun treat and really lifts the mood when something starts growing.  Trust me something will. You'll either get the intended seeds to grow or weeds but something will start sprouting!
4) It makes me happy to bring the outside inside! Open up the windows and let the fresh air flow in. Turn off lights and sounds inside the home. Let nature bring in sunlight and sounds!

5) Keep the fridge stocked with easy to grab juice and water.  I know this can be wasteful to some but for me it is great to have a drink handy to take to the park. 

6) This is the time of the year to really get out to the store and market and but what is in season. Plan your meals around the healthy fruits and vegetables that will soon be coming in! Plan trips to strawberry & blueberry farms as well as peach & apple orchards.  It is a fun way to spend time together and helps you appreciate where the food comes from.

7) Taking pictures of nature makes me happy! Use this time to get the kids outside and search for what is in the area you live in. They might not care that you are shooting photos of the birds and the bees because they will be running, jumping, hopping and skipping outdoors. Keep a few balls and jump ropes handy for them to play with!

8) Blow bubbles and play with outdoor chalk is a great way to spend time outside. I love bubbles and chalk. They make me happy!

9) Do you have a relative that is house bound or in a nursing home? Bring them spring cards and flowers. Bring the outdoors inside for them, too!  If they can go outside by wheel chair then take them out! This will help them be happier and healthier as well as you, too!

10) Search and find one new healthy recipe a week and cook it for your family. Let them help you!

*Do you want a Juicy Rewards code? This exclusive code is TWMOM-READR (worth one Juicy Rewards point – that’s up to $5 in savings)!  Check out Tropicana Juicy Rewards program and how you can redeem your rewards point!

More About Trop50 and Juicy Rewards
Tropicana Trop50 provides the goodness of juice with 50 percent less calories and sugars, and no artificial sweeteners. Trop50 is a part of Tropicana’s Juicy Rewards program, which gives consumers more from their juice by offering 20,000 ways to save on fun, healthy pursuits.  With Juicy Rewards, the savings come easily – up to $15 for one carton of Tropicana Pure Premium and up to $30 in savings for one carton of Trop50! 

It takes just three simple steps to participate and save with Juicy Rewards:
1. Buy Tropicana, find the unique code on the package – either under the cap or on the back of specially marked Tropicana Pure Premium and Trop50 products.
2. Register at, enter the codes to get points.
3. Redeem points for incredible savings on healthy fun.
Trop50 Offerings 
Tropicana Trop50® introduces two new flavors – Pomegranate Blueberry and Pineapple Mango – expanding its innovative line of juice beverages. At 50 calories, each eight-ounce glass squeezes in a full day’s supply of vitamin C and 10 percent of the daily recommended value of antioxidant vitamin E.  Pineapple Mango also is a good source of potassium! TheTrop50 line also includes orange juice beverage varieties: Pulp Free, Some Pulp and Pulp Free Calcium & Vitamin D, which provides 35 percent daily value of calcium & 25 percent daily value of Vitamin D – an excellent source of both nutrients. 

I have not receive any compensation for this post.  I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Tropicana Trop50 blogging program to be eligible to win 6 free Juicy Rewards points and a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here and read the below information. I did not know this about the Juicy Rewards program! I'm going to sign up for it!

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