

Facebook is your child's online playground.. are you watching?

Yes, it's true. Now there is ONE MORE thing we, as parents, have to have “the talk” about. Technology has brought many wonderful things into our lives. We have monitors that let us watch our babies while they sleep. We can TIVO our kids favorite shows while they are studying. We are only a phone or a text message away at any time. However, with all the great things technology has offered us, it has also introduced some potential downsides as well.

A new Kinsey Report shows that the average America youngster spends every waking minute online, other than the time they are in school.  How can a parent monitor a worldwide playground?  One way is to be on that same playground!

With more than 400 million users, Facebook is social force unlike anything parents have faced before. It’s just as important as parents to understand what goes on in this playground as it is to watch out for our kids in the neighborhood park.
The Facebook Playground puts children on a very public worldwide stage and understanding the pleasures and risks will help you monitor as well as participate in this area of your children’s lives.

I’m proud to be among a few Influential Moms to have been selected by Supreme Social Media for the Pre-Launch of their newest product Facebook® Guide for Parents.   I hope you will hurry up to grab your own copy as I did.

To grab your own copy by clicking here FACEBOOK GUIDE FOR PARENTS

Facebook® Guide for Parents, written by Supreme Social Media, is a step by step 100+ page guidebook and 12 short videos focusing on using Facebook as another window into your children's life, friends, attitudes and online actions.  Parents will be able to use the guidebook or follow the short and easy videos to learn quickly the how-to’s of setting up their profile, securing it with privacy settings, tips on how to handle cyber-bullies along with strategies for being on Facebook without being in their kids’ faces about it. 

In this Guidebook and Videos Parents will be surprised to learn: 
    • Easily overlooked privacy setting traps
    • Tips on what to do to about cyber-bullying
    • Dos and don’ts of interacting with your child on Facebook
    • Find out how strangers see your child’s page
    • Learn how joining groups and fanning pages can affect your child’s privacy
Facebook® Guide for Parents is a guidebook with visual instructions on privacy, safety, friending, cyber bullying and much more. No fuss. No muss. Just simple and to the point step-by-step instructions with screen shots and video tutorials!  Teach your kids to be savvy and safe Facebook users!

Facebook® Guide for Parents is a perfect step-by-step that will show you how to start a conversation with your kids about online safety and privacy. 

Get Own your copy now at a pre-launch price! Facebook Guide for Parents; And share this information with your friends, family and colleagues, they will thank you for it. This would be a great guide for Libraries, public and schools, to have on hand, too.

Are your kids on Facebook, now? If yes or no share why and how is that going? How do you handle being on facebook and having young kids be your friend? Are you a teacher? A youth leader? A church friend?

To keeping our children safe online!

I was selected as an Influential Moms by Supreme Social Media for the Pre-Launch of their newest product Facebook® Guide for Parents. and given a digital copy to review. I've also signed up to be an affiliate for the company. Thank you!


  1. I've been searching that site, but all I get are business and real estate books. I don't see the parents one. (Maybe I'm too Polish?)

  2. Try again, Sir. I changed the link to make it easier for you! haha :0

  3. My kiddos tell me things like "Mom, my friend so-and-so has a facebook/myspace...can you believe that?!" I know they will get older and probably want them...but for now I'm glad they agree that it's just not what they need!!

  4. Great blog! I saw your comment with a link to your blog on KFVS' fb post. I'm also a homeschool mom! I grew up in So. Illinois - graduated from Shawnee High School in Wolf Lake (teeny-tiny town) and am now living in SE Missouri, married to a pastor:) Small world! Great to "run into" you!

  5. My daughter and I have both been on Facebook for awhile. I try not to be too intrusive, but since she's away from home at college it is a great way for us to connect. Kids, and even sometimes adults, need to realize if it's on Facebook/Myspace, it's there for the whole world to see in technicolor. This book sounds like a great way for parents to get some very important info. Love your blog!


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