

Friday Book Blogger Hop

Happy BOOK BLOGGER HOP Friday!!!  Time to click the link and check out other book blogs!

While you are here have a look around at my ride side bar. You will find current giveaways and a small list of what I've posted lately.

My side bar also has all my follow buttons!  Click to follow me and leave that in the comments and I'll come follow you back! 

Above this post I also have a book link up! This is where you can post any book that you  have review or if you are hosting a book giveaway!

Thanks for playing along! Have fun on the Book Blogger Friday Hop!

*Current book giveaway- Parenting with Pets


  1. Hopping by from book blog hop. I have been homeschooling since 1991 and have graduated two. I am currently homeschooling my youngest. She's Almost 15. I am your newest follower!!

  2. Thanks for hopping by today! So nice to meet you and your blog! I don't have any children, but if I did I would definitely home school them. I have three cats and 2 dogs, so maybe they count as my children....

  3. Lovely blog! I'm a homeschooler as well. Just stopping by through the blog hop and saying hi.

  4. I stopped by on the book blog hop; you have a really beautiful blog!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog during the blog hop! I am now following your blog, too!


  7. Hello! Found you via the Hop! You've got a great design - I especially love your header! I'm following and looking forward to your posts!

    Happy Hopping,
    The Bookish Type

  8. Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

  9. Hello there,

    I have a message for the webmaster/admin here at

    May I use part of the information from this post right above if I provide a backlink back to your site?


  10. Hey - I am definitely glad to find this. cool job!


Thank you for stopping in at SusieQTpies Cafe! We are serving up family, food & fun!

Please leave a comment so that I can stop over and visit your blog.

FYI I approve every comment before it is published because of the SPAM issue. Don't be alarmed if you comment doesn't show up immediately.

Have a great day!