

Mock Mashed Potato Bar Meal Makeover

My girls love it when I serve Baked Potato Bar! That would be a baked potato with fun toppings for them to add to their taters.  This is a great dinner time meal to get picky eaters involved in choosing the choice of toppings you have out for them. 

The recipe today is for Mock Mashed Potato Bar! This involves cauliflower, cooked and mashed like mashed potatoes and then offering fun toppings to be added!(Low Carb dieters dream side dish) This recipe was a huge hit even by the girl who doesn't like "fake mashed potatoes." She is the one who helped me make this dish. 

 I love getting kids involved in in the kitchen! It is great for bonding, reading, math, and self-survival skills!

 This is our final product before adding in the toppings

Mock Mashed Potato Bar
  • 1 head cauliflower, washed and broken into florets (about 4 cups florets)
  • 1 pkg Hidden Valley® The Original Ranch® Dressing mix
  • 2 T fat-free milk
  • 3 T butter
  • 1 T garlic powder (fresh garlic, minced would be great in this, too!)
Cook (boil or steam) the cauliflower until it is fork tender (approx 20 min). Let it sit in the colander to drain at least 15 min so all the water can drain out (shake it several times). Put in food processor/mixer and mix all the above ingredients until mashed potato smooth.
Toppings- lay out your favorites and let everyone make their own! Here are some of our choices:
  • Bacon fried and crumbled into bits
  • Dry onion flakes
  • Chives
  • Black olives
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Sour Cream
  • Garlic powder
  • Crushed red pepper

Have you ever made mock mashed potatoes? Leave a comment and share your recipe!


  1. Kitty Spencer WichersThu Apr 29, 08:18:00 PM 2010

    I'll have to try this for dinner 1 day next week. THANKX :)

  2. Julee Alves BrynestadThu Apr 29, 08:19:00 PM 2010

    We've done this before just making regular mashed "potatoes." The kids scarf it down.

  3. Kitty Spencer WichersThu Apr 29, 08:20:00 PM 2010

    Ok, couldn't wait!!! Had frozen cauliflower so miked it, used 2 teas. french onion soup mix,marg,cheese, and bacon bits!!! Think I have a new quick way to eat more veggies.

  4. Cindi DeVries WeedonThu Apr 29, 08:20:00 PM 2010

    I never thought of doing it this way. I make mock mashed potatoes all the time and occasionally add grated cheese to it but never bacon. Hmmm, :adding this to the menu: : )

  5. Freakin yum! I wonder if my boys would know that this is cauliflower instead of potatoes. Im gonna try it.

  6. YUM! I love mashed potatoes- will have to try this:)
    Found your blog from the Scrappy Gifts' online crop and wanted to say hi:)

  7. I had heard about sneaking cauliflower into mashed potatoes for fiber but never substituting it entirely - what a great idea and it with the ranch dressing it does sound yummy. Going to have to try this some time.

    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  8. I have one daughter that doesn't like mashed potatoes and her younger sister who follows whatever she says. I wonder if my two other children will like this? I've been meaning to make something like this, but never think about it. Yours looks really good and love the toppings.

  9. What a FUN idea, Susie! Love the idea of mock mashed potatoes but the bar of toppings sealed the deal. Thanks a bunch for linking up today! :)

  10. This looks great! When I make "faux-tatoes" @ our house, I use cream cheese & chicken bouillon. My family can not tell them apart. This is a really creative way to get more veggies. Now if I could only get my family to try it...


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