

Parenting with Pets book review

Parenting with Pets Parenting with Pets The Magic of Raising Children with Animals by Christine Hamer & Margaret Hevel

I received this book to review a month or so after getting our first kitty, Aslan.  Our prior experience with pets involved  fish that always seemed to die. I think that I kept the tank too clean.  From there we moved on to adopting a guinea pig when my oldest girls were in 2nd grade.  Maisy, was her name and playing was not her game.  She was a biter. We tried loving her but she wasn't having it.  We cared for her anyhow!

Someone suggested getting her a friend. So we bought another female, Daisy.  Maisy seemed to take on the mothering roll with her and became a tad more friendly toward us. Daisy was loving and we enjoyed taking her to on car trips once Maisy died.  It was sad when Maisy died, we cried and had a funeral in the rain.

Daisy died almost 2 years ago.  We really cried then and I think it rained on her funeral, too.  The kids always wanted a dog but their dad did not.  We never thought about a kitty because of allergies.  In December, we got Aslan, the kitty.  He is so spoiled and loved.

I read this book from cover to cover. I wanted to see what it was like to parent with pets.  Pets bring on responsibility.  If a family decides to get a pet then they need to work together to care for the pet.  Getting a pet is never anything you should do on an impulse.  It isn't a quick fix toy to make someone happy.  It is a responsibility that follows everyone in the home. We did get our kitty on impulse.  He showed up in our home during our Christmas Open House.  Everyone thought that he was ours.  We kept him. He was home. It was as if we had adopted a real child. We took him right away to the doctor and  cared for him as a family member. He has given back to us 10 fold in love.

Pets are said to have a mental and physiological impact on those in their home.  The book also said that a study was done that showed that for just a few minutes cuddling a pet it can relieve more stress than talking to a friend or a .  Now that we have a kitty, I do have to say I agree.  I can now see why some classrooms have pets.  We homeschool and love having a ''classroom pet''.   Animals are loving and accepting.  They are there for you to talk to, confide in and will not judge you.

The book clearly stated the role of a pet in the changing child through their developmental years.  A lot of time and attention was done in this chapter.  If you have young children you will love this chapter. Pets help with tolerance, sexual development, communication and healing during sickness and grief.

Are you concerned with what pet to purchase? The book carefully buying a new pet, easy starter pets, pets that need more care to pets that need the most care.  I was very surprised at what was on these list and for what reason. Do you ever wonder what the start up cost, vet bills, and time commitment needs of a pet you are thinking to purchase?  The authors have done their research, the hard work has been done for you and it is in this book!

Last but not least they have included information on your pets and your outdoor space! I would have never given this a second thought.

This book is very well written and worth reading if you are thinking of getting a pet or already have one.  This would be a great book to have at any library!  I'm going to recommend it to our library.

1 copy of Parenting with Pets

To enter- Tell me one thing about about our pet or one pet that you would love to have!

BONUS entries- 
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2) Comment on any of my other blog post and or enter any other of my giveaways for 2 extra entries each! Unlimited! Leave a separate comment here for each one you do!
 3) I'd LOVE to see a picture of your pet! Follow me on Facebook -  and upload a picture on my wall of your pet or a pet you want! 10 entries for doing this. 

4) Tweet the giveaway for 2 entries per tweet! Unlimited times to tweet! Leave link in comments. 
"Enter to win Parenting with Pets!  #pethealth #giveaway "
Ends May 20th
Thanks to ThePRPlace for giving me the review opportunity. Thanks to the author for sending me a book to review and offering one as a giveaway for my readers.

Chris Hamer, M.S., CDBC
IAABC Education Chair
Author- Parenting with Pets, the Magic of Raising Children with Animals


  1. i would love to win this book.

  2. I love the name Aslan for a cat. We have a pretty full house here, and I can't really imagine adding more pets, but my 10 year old son is wishing for some finches!

  3. I entered your sauce giveaway #1

  4. I entered your Host giveaway #1

  5. I entered your sauce giveaway #2

  6. I entered your Host giveaway #2

  7. I entered your Redbox giveaway #2

  8. I entered your Redbox giveaway #1

  9. I entered your OneEskimo giveaway #2

  10. I entered your OneEskimO giveaway #1

  11. Congrats to Lynette for winning this book! It is a lovely book!

  12. THanks for the news about winning this book! I am eager to read it and share it with friends and family.


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