

Tuesday Top 5 things that would make volunteering easier

Volunteer work can be very rewarding.  If you find yourself in charge of volunteers  think about these Top 5 tips to make volunteering easier on yourself and the others involved.

1) Encourage a set schedule for the volunteers. It is so much easier to remember your volunteer date and time if it is at the same time each week. You will have less schedule changes this way. Ever heard of Jooners? It will make your online life of scheduling volunteers a breeze! It is like passing a note around online! Jooners makes it easy for you with premade templates/sign-up sheets, too! Encourage all your volunteers to access this group! You won't regret it!

2) Have a list of volunteer subs and give it to each volunteer. Make sure they are told to find a replacement if they can't make their scheduled time.  This will save you, as a leader, a lot of time.

3) Keep your volunteer busy! When I give up my family time to volunteer I want to be kept busy when I am there. Have set task for volunteers to do. 

4) Get input from each volunteer as to what their interest are and why they want to volunteer with this particular group.  Work to assign them to areas of interest and strength! This will keep them motivated to continue working.  For example if someone volunteers at an Animal Shelter and tells you that they prefer cats over dogs don't assign them to the dog grooming room!

5) Be kind and respectful to your volunteers! Send them a thank you card for their service once a year. Do consider having a volunteer luncheon once a year.  Since volunteers do not get paid show them your gratitude at their help will continue to pay off for your organization.

This blog post was inspired by TwitterMoms and Jooners who want to show you how to make it all simpler by hosting this blogging contest! If you are a mom blogger, join in the FUN!

About Jooners - Flawless Events, Relaxed Organizers, Happy Volunteers
In just a few minutes, with, you can create an online signup sheet, automate the process, take care of the reminders (and Thank You notes!), and increase volunteer participation and donations! Ready to save time? Sign up at (They also COLLECT MONEY for you online! Very cool)
This post is part of a blogging contest from the TwitterMoms community. There is a chance this post could be randomly selected to win a $50 Amazon gift card, so wish me luck! For more details, you can view the contest page here (

1 comment:

  1. I left you an award on my page!

    Thanks for all the support you give my blog!


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