

Ultimate Blog Party 2010 and 2 cookbook giveaway!

##Click #UBP13 for the NEWEST party! I'm cracking up that my 2010 party is racking up hits on my blog. Stop in at the new party to enter to win $50 at Amazon

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Come on in and join the Ultimate Blog Party, EVER sponsored by 5 Minutes For

Last year this was one of my first things I did when I started blogging. It was a great way to quickly find blogger friends! I"m so excited to find even more new friends this year! I can't wait to be apart of  The Ultimate Blog Party LIVE — 9-11pm EST, Friday, April 9th, 2010 and The #UBP10 on Twitter — 10-11pm Eastern, Monday, April 12th, 2010 and The UBP IRL live stream featuring CHRIS MANN!!! — 6pm Eastern, April 14th, 2010.
SO HELLO and WELCOME to my blog if you are hopping in from the #UBP10 (use this if you are on twitter).  I've had my blog for years but didn't really start using it until March 09.  
I have a wonderful hubby, 3 tweens/teens that I homeschool and I love meeting new peeps online! My twin teens just started driving soooo let's just say my blood pressure has increased a lot the past year! Click to read about keeping your kids safe on FACEBOOK.

I love reading, watching movies, watching CHUCK with my teens (oh yes we love him), cooking, blogging recipes, and finding fun local wines to share with my hubby. We also have an adorable kitty, Aslan, who snuck in our home during our CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE and has never left.

I love SUSHI and COFFEE! I also love taking photographs.  I love playing around with the photos, too! See my kids were all given moustaches in our Family Easter Photo at church.  The kitty loves having his picture taken too (and wearing bows).

I try and blog and review every day items.  Feel free to join in any of my current giveaways!  Please follow me when you stop in and leave a comment here.  I love reading your comments and I will come follow and comment back!  

**I'M OFFERING 2 cookbooks for 2 random post/new followers that come in from the #UBP10.  So make sure you comment and follow me to be entered to win! Here is the cookbook!  Leave your comment at this link or here with this post! Either way you will be entered to win!
To participate during Party Week April 9-16 2010
  • Read and comment on the #UBP10 party post to be entered in the draw for prizes!  (Oh sorry I didn't mention that you can win prizes???)
  • Go to their site and add your blog url and or facebook link and or twitter link into the MckLinky for the party post! This is how people will come visit your blog and how you will find peeps to visit!
  • It is recommended to be eligible for prizes, that you visit and comment on at least 20 of the links! C'mon don't miss out visit as many as you can! I already have a plan of attack. I'm going to work on the ODD numbers first and then go backwards and hit the EVEN numbers.  I'm so excited to find new bloggers!  Be kind and leave a comment on ever blog you click on! We all need some comment love!
  • THANKS TO Janice and Susan (twins of UBP- I have twins too so I love seeing them as adults work so closely together!)Thanks to for Pam and Erica and all the behind the scene workers!
IF my blog gets pulled I'd be happy with any prize! I love random fun prizes!  In case you can't decide I'd be thrilled with any of these:

(For me!) 1) INTL 2 – Win a custom Wordpress blog by Uniquehorn Designs.
Visit Our Fan Page: Uniquehorn Designs
(For my daughter #3!) 2) USC 60 – For one winner a $200 gift certificate for any Wall Slicks  Visit Our Fan Page: Wall Slicks

(For hubby) 3)  USC 44 – $20 Gift Certificate to
 Visit Our Fan Page: Tara’s View of the World
(For daughter #1) 4) USC 8 – $55 E-Gift Card for Gift code  Visit Our Fan Page: Kelly’s Lucky You

 (For daugher #2) 5) 65 – Three winners will win a copy of “Fantastic Mr. Fox” on dvd
Follow here: Stacey_Says

(For HOUSEHOLD) 6) 96 – A laundry prize pack from Mrs. Meyer’s! Visit Our Fan Page: Mama’s Laundry Talk

(For our big anniversary!!!) 7) 39 -Be My Guest certificate ($250 value) for one lucky winner, (2 night stay for a family of four) at any Hilton Garden Inn.
Provided by: Hilton Garden Inn
Follow here: bloggin2noggin


  1. Whoohoo! I'm linked up! I'm #584, #254 and #374!!! Oh yeah! It is going to be a fun week!!! @Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life (

  2. Can't wait to read more of your blog! Stopping by from UBP 2010!
    Have great Blog party day!

  3. I'm going to look around some more! I can't imagine having two teenagers driving at the same time...but I suppose I'll be there one day as my kiddos are all about 3 years apart! Are you on blood pressure medicine yet lol.? Nice to 'meet' you!

  4. so lovely to meet you - thanks so much for visiting me on the UBP party hop!

  5. Stopping in from the UBP!! Would love to win one of the cookbooks!!!

  6. Stopping by from #UBP10!! Nice blog! Come on over for a visit. :)

  7. Thanks for tweeting back to me #UBP10! i didn't realize how much we had in common. My kids are tween on up and I absolutely love COFFEE!
    i hope you have a wonderful week, with lots of wins!

  8. Hi! Nice to meet you! This is my first UBP and I am having so much fun reading all these new blogs!

    have a great weekend!

  9. oooo I think we could be good buddies! I have teenage daughters (not twins). We have a stray, Simba, who came to our home 5+ yrs ago and never left. Had my first sushi on Monday (nummy). I'm a Starbucks girl at heart. I love photography, but my photos leave much to be desired. :)

    Checking you out from the Party! Will follow you on Twitter, too!

    ~Mimi @ Woven by Words

  10. now that family pic is my kinda pic! thanks for stopping by my place :-) party on!

  11. Thanks for the comment on my blog at Living In Amazing Grace! Love your blog. You asked about the Disciples Cross business. I only do the affiliate program and they are quick to pay out. I did try to make the crosses, but couldn't get them as perfect as I wanted them to be because of having fibromyalgia and the pain in my hands.

  12. You're cat is so cute. Love that she just showed up one day. Quite the story to tell!

  13. Just stopping by from the UBP at Five Minutes for Mom,. Great site.

  14. It's great to meet you! Thanks for following. I love coffee and Chuck, too! :)

  15. Hi!! I am returning the visit from UBP! I am also your newest and on twitter...
    @zebastyandylan. Can't wait to read more.

  16. Thanks for visiting my blog! I am definitely not ready to have a teenage driver in my house - I feel the headaches coming on!

    Enjoy the party!

  17. So great to "meet" you. I'm following you on Twitter and your blog! Happy UBP10!

  18. Hi! This is my first time visiting. I surfed in from 5 Minutes for Mom. Looking forward to getting to reading more as we go. If you'd like to read it, my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post can be found at Dayngrous Discourse. I hope you'll surf on over and say hello.

  19. So many blogs so little time; I hope you'll stop by and visit mine!

    This is my first time over to your blog and I am enjoying having a look around.


  20. Hi! Thanks so much for coming to visit my blog. I think your giveaway sounds great - I LOVE cooking and finding great new cookbooks.

    I also love Chuck - glad to see another fan out there!

  21. I'm also giving away a $50 card that you could enter!

    I'm tired from all this blog hopping... need a nap! :-)

  22. Stopping in and saying Hi! I love playing with photo's too. Cute kitty :)

  23. thanks for stopping by my blog..nice to meet you! enjoy the party!

  24. Hi Susie! Thanks for stopping by. I added a widget for followers - I'm so glad you said something!! I had one once, but must have accidentally deleted it :-) Have a wonderful party week!!

  25. WooHoo, another homeschooling mom! Cute website. Very easy to navigate and so much information.

    I came here from UBP'10 - and your tweets to me.

    Thank you!!

  26. Stopped by from the UBP party. I love photography too. Just started a 365 project with tasra365 on twitter.

  27. Hi! I'm a new follower and that cookbook sounds great! I'm getting tired of cooking the same thing so that cookbook would be right on time. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the party! :-)

  28. Thanks so much for the visit to The MommyTrade! UBP is a blast!

  29. Thanks for visiting me at My Real Review!! I'm following you in every way now too!

    Very cool that you homeschool, that's the direction that I'm leaning toward for my own kids too.

    Happy UBP 2010!!

  30. Thank you so much for visiting me at! I love your blog! I would be honored to be a guest chef, how very sweet of you to offer. I'm a new follower of yours as well :-)


  31. Thanks for stopping by Modern Style Mama. I am having a great time connecting with many great blogs. I have found quite a few homeschooling moms today! You have a wonderful blog!

  32. Coming from the UBP -- I have met so many new bloggers out there! Hi there and thank you for wonderful blog here, I am having tons of fun surfing through it! I am #986

  33. Coming from the UBP -- I have met so many new bloggers out there! Hi there and thank you for wonderful blog here, I am having tons of fun surfing through it! I am #986

  34. Hi there! Stopping by from UBP! I'd love to win the cookbook. Church cookbooks are the best. I love tried and true recipes. Great to "meet" you!

  35. I popped over to visit from the Ultimate Blog Party 2010 and loved your post. But oh my, as a grandma of twins who are 6, I hadn't even THOUGHT of when they BOTH reach driving age!!! I'll have to get tips and ideas from you on that one! :) :) :)

  36. Coming over from UBP2010! I love your post... :) And I love cookbooks so I am happy to get a chance of winning... this is my first year participating... Contact me here!

  37. Hi! Thanks for visiting Crystal Clear Savings! I am your newest follower on GFC

  38. Love the photos, especially the mustache one. That's something we'd do! Isn't UBP fun? So nice to meet new people, check out new blogs and see what creative stuff is posted. Your post was lots of fun. Party On!

  39. Hi! Thanks for heading over to my crafty blog! I would love a cookbook! I am a new wife and now mommy and I love cooking and baking. See you around the party!

  40. WOO-HOO!
    Another sushi lover!
    i LOVE sushi.

    Thanks for the party post! You are AWESOME!

  41. WOW you have been on quite a party train!

    I had my blog for two years before I used it. I just didn't have time until my second child was 6 months old and I had my depression under control.

  42. Stopping by from UBP10... I just have to ask... does the cat have a bow on?! lol. I'll be back! :)

  43. Hello Susie! Found you at the UBP. Nice to meet you! You have such an adorable blog & family! Wow, you are on the ball rockin' Twitter I tell ya :) I ♥ sushi & coffee as well!! Yum. Just wanted to say "hi" and happy blog-hopping!
    Cheers ❀

    Twitter: hockey_wife
    Mr Linky: #879

  44. Yay!! PARTY!! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad I came to your party! I REALLY need a cookbook!! My cooking skills need a upgraded! Your blog is so warm. It's a pleasure to meet you!

    Enjoy the rest of the parties!!

  45. Yeah I love UBP and new blogger friends! Thanks for following me at Crafty Mommy Diva.
    I love Chuck too! Good luck with your teen drivers.
    New follower - I'd love to win your giveaway!

  46. {{{Waving}}} Thank for stopping by my UBP10 party! I hear ya on the kids driving! I'm back to sleepless nights!
    Enjoy the rest of the party!

  47. Hi! Visiting from the UBP - thanks for visiting my blog! I'm a follower of yours now too. I love cookbooks since it seems I need a lot of help! Nice to "meet" you!

  48. Stopping by to say HI....i'd love a cookbook:)

  49. Susie, you seem like so much fun! We have a good deal in common. I spent half of my life in IL, a homeschool my two boys, was a Southern Baptist preacher's kid, and love, love, love to play in the kitchen... especially w/ the boys. Sooo glad you stopped by. Looking forward to getting to know you better followed you on Google and Twitter! :)

  50. Popping on in from UBP! Thanks for checking out my blog and following. I am following you now too!

  51. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I am now a new follower of your blog too. I love sushi and photography as well :)

    Happy Weekend and Blessings!

  52. thanks for stopping by my UBP post! Party hopping is fun :) Thanks for the linky love!

    Tara's View of the World $150 Giveaway

  53. Hey hey!!! Thank you so much for stopping by my UBP. You are so right... it is so fun to get out and read new blogs and I would love to guest post on your site with a great WW recipe.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  54. Showing some love from UBP! I LOVE CHUCK and homeschooling rocks!!!! Thanks for the twitter follow!

  55. Toot tootin right back at ya! I'll have to bookmark you though 'cause I never check my readers. ummm, yeah. Sometimes technology and I have go-rounds. Have to wonder why you have lots of stamps and don't use them? I say sell, sell, sell. Clean out some space, it's good for the soul. And then when you're in the mood to stamp again, stop by my blog and order up! ;) Buying is good for the soul too! lol Glad you introduced yourself--lovin' my first UBP!

  56. Here I am TOOTIN TOOTIN TOOTIN my horn! ;)

    Thank you so much for stopping by my place and saying Hi!

    The Ultimate Blog Party is just too much fun, I look forward to it now each year. So many great people to meet and blogs to find :)

    I am a new fan to yours - love the energy of your place :)

    Happy UBP10!

  57. I'm stopping over from the UBP10 party! I'm glad you stopped by my place. I'm already following you too!

  58. Thanks so much for visiting my blog from UBP10. I'd LOVE to guest post a recipe sometime, that would be awesome! I'm your newest follower! Can't wait to check out more of your blog!

  59. Hey, anyone who loves sushi is super in my book! Thank you for atopping by at Soup -- I'm here to return the follow!

    Good luck with teen drivers -- I'm nowhere near that point yet, but my oldest nephew just got his license, so I've been watching my brother-in-law deal with that stress...


  60. I thought I would share


  61. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am following you now to! Cookbook? LOVE it! :)
    Hurray for UBP!

  62. Toot Toot, Aoooooga! Lol, 3 days of party, I think I am too old for this! lol Love your site, I will be back to browse!

  63. Nice to meet you Dropping by saw ya on twitter I'm Night Owl Mama
    come by 4 a visit

  64. I am raising three teen/tweens as well, except mine are boys! Nice to meet you..I already follow you on Twitter (@mulitaskingme) and now follow your blog through FB. Hope you had a great weekend!

  65. Nice to meet you and Happy UBP! I'm your newest follower! I too have twin girls - they'll be 5 on the 19th!! My third daughter just turned 2 last week. I can't even imagine what I'll be like when driving starts....

    Would love if you could stop by my tiny blog. I only started last month, but I'm getting there ;)

  66. Thanks for stopping by, I love what I've seen so far of your blog and am excited to check out some more! ! I would be honored to be a guest chef just let me know what you need me to do!

  67. Happy UBP. I love sushi and coffee, too. But I don't get nearly enough sushi these days. My husband's not a fan. :(

  68. Its nice to meet you!! I am visiting for the first time from ubp!

    If you get a chance, visit my blog at


  69. Your party train on twitter is so fun! Stopping by to say hi from the party :)
    Come visit me if you get a chance at <a href=">The Youngn's</a>

  70. Happy ubp! Thanks for the visit and the tweets! I'm having lots of fun visiting blogs this weekend. It sure is time-consuming though!

  71. Thanks for visiting! That's a really cute family picture. And, I love sushi too! But unfornately, I can't have any right now since I'm pregnant and will be nursing soon. Happy UBP10!

  72. Sending love from #ubp10!! I love sushi too!! Yum!!!!
    Visit my blog at

    Blessings to you!

  73. Stopping in from the UBP10! I look forward to getting to know you. :)

    Please feel free to stop by my blog as well:

    Be blessed!

  74. Hi Susieqtpies!

    Thanks for swinging by my blog for UBP10! I was totally fine about the twin thing until you mentioned them learning how to drive together - yikes!! lol. I haven't yet thought that far ahead. Good luck with everything.


  75. Susieqtpies,

    Thanks for being my first party guest. You have a nice blog and we have a lot in common I see. I went to follow you on twitter and will add you on google connect.

    God Bless,
    The Cottage Chick

  76. WahOoOo! I made it to the party!! lOL. Thanks for visiting me!! Love your blog and can't wait to read more of it!! Stoppin in from the UBP!!

    I tried sushi one time and it was great but the next time I tried it .... DISLIKE (thumbs down) lol. So... maybe 3's a charm? lol!! I as well LOVE COFFEE!!! Thats my downfall especially at night!!!

    Take care!!


  77. Thanks for following my blog! Would LOVE to be guest chef here sometime! Let me know :)

  78. Teen Twins...I will be following and crying realizing that I only have 11 years until I have twin teens ~ somehow that thought had yet to cross my mind! thanks for stopping by my party!

  79. thanks for visiting my blog! Nice to meet you. I'm your newest follower :)

  80. I became a follower! I'm here from the UBP10! Our daughter is going to be 16 in 2 weeks!! YIKES! Any pointers on staying calm, calm and did I say calm, ect???

  81. Thanks for stopping by Cook Clean Craft, and helping me find your blog. Happy UBP!

  82. Just stopping in to visit from the UBP! :)

    A little about me: I’m a homeschooling SAHM mom of two littles (3 & 1.5). I’m a born-again Christian, and I’m currently working on my MA in Ministry. I’m not your typical “mommy blogger”, but I enjoy reading mommy blogs just the same.

    Happy Partying!

    (P.S. You may want to consider changing your comments - it's hard to find the "Post a Comment" button when it's at the bottom of all the comments.)

  83. Ohh - I love cookbooks! :) I also love the name of your blog! So cute and so true!

  84. Hopping over from UBP 10! I am going to enjoy following along! You can find me at a giveaway that can save you some major cash

  85. Lisa was here!!!! I love your blog as you already know!!! Thanks for helping me set up my blog. It should be ready soon for me to log on with! yeah you!

  86. Hi thank you for stopping by my blog, and for being a follower, I am now your follower too, and have really enjoyed my visit here, have a great day and fun in blogging.
    I am from UBS2010 too,.
    Hugs Barbara from

  87. Thank you for stopping by my blog! Aslan is so cute!! I am following your blog now! It's great making new friends

  88. Thanks for dropping by! I love your blog header - and those peanut butter cups look delicious. :)

    Have fun hopping around from party to party!

  89. Thanks for stopping by my blog! My husband and I enjoy local wines, too. Before Baby, we used to attend Virginia wine festivals several times a year. Beautiful scenery, and wonderful wines.

    Happy Monday!

  90. I love your blog! Your family picture made me LOL. Nice touch. Thanks for stopping by!!

  91. Thanks for visiting my little corner of the blogosphere. This is my first time participating in the UBP. Whoo Hoo!!!

    (I can't wait for Chris Mann :-> )

  92. Hey! I'm visiting and following via the UPB2010 twitter post. wahooo! This is my first time to try to participate in the party event. Not sure how it all works but it'll be fun!!! :)

  93. Sushi and coffee? It doesn't get much better than that! We had a cat show up on our back porch a few years ago and it hasn't left since.

    Stopping by for the party! Have a great day!

  94. It's nice to meet you again and learn more about you. That is an interesting story about your kitty Aslan :)

    I hope you are enjoying the party hop!

  95. Stopping in from the UBP post!
    Great to see we have a lot of the same interests, except the teens - but oneday my kiddo will be older and I can cook without kids on my legs..*sigh*..
    Thanks for the hospitality, don't worry, I took off my shoes before I came in! LOL

    {@MyChaos on Twitter}

  96. Just stopping by to say hi for the #ubp10. Nice blog! Look me up on twitter, I'm KimberlyR4U Feel free to stop by my blog & say hello at

  97. We're stopping in from the UBP'10. We're first-timers!

    Cute site! We love meeting new bloggers!

  98. Hi! Stopping by on my way thru on the UBP10 tour... Thanks for coming by my blog. (Reflections From My Heart)
    I'm following your blog and on twitter @nanreflections. My email is

  99. Angie thanks for stopping in!! I wish I somehow could reply back to people who comment!!! Help! How do I do that? LOL

  100. Thanks for stopping by with your TOOT TOOT on my blog!

  101. Just visited Angie, Cascia,Kristin and Tiarias!!!! Thanks ladies! So fun meeting you! Toot Tooot #UBP10

  102. Thanks for coming over Sandra and Lissa! I love your blogs too! TOOT TOOT!

  103. Just visited LittleTechGirl! Dang she has 2 sets of twins!!! they are adorable! Love her blog! #UBP10 rocks!

  104. Annie Mimi and Carma whooohooo! Thanks for stopping in!!! Lovin' all my new friends!!!!

  105. You are the sweetest thing, and I have so enjoyed getting to know you during the UBP!

    I'm a new follower and will be back often! :-)

  106. Nice to meet you! Stopping by from UBP10 and returning the comment love. You seem like such a fun person!
    Happy partying!

  107. Thanks for stopping by my UBP10 post! I enjoyed "meeting" you and visiting your blog. We <3 Chuck too! Since tonight's a rerun, I have time to party hop. Woot! Hope to see you soon!

  108. Stopping by from #UBP10.

    Thanks for following my website.

    I'm now following your wonderful website.

    take care,

  109. So very glad you came to visit at 504 Main. I can tell I am going to like your, cookbooks...yeah..I am addicted. I am a follower.
    504 main

  110. Hi, Susie, stopping by for the #UPB10! Thanks for stopping by, and for tweeting, as well! Good to "see" you as always!


  111. Hey Susie!! I would love to be a guest chef!! Thanks for a the tooting on my site! Shamrocks and Shenanigans

  112. Following you back! Great site, looking forward to looking around some more. Have a great day!

  113. Thank you for the comment and the follow you don't know how excited I get when I see another comment and or follower! 4 years of homeschooling! Wow I can't wait till it's been that long for us! I'm also following you back!!! I hope you're having an awesome Tuesday!

  114. Wow!! Just when I thought the party couldnt get any better. We are so happy to have found you. What a great blog!! And love all the creative-ness going on around here.

    We would love to have you come join us over our way. We are 3 Moms who recently launched a Custom Photo Book & Gift site.

    Come on over! Let's get to know each other better.

  115. I am following you. I love coffee as well. Splends and white chocolate mocha creamer!

    Thanks for coming and seeing me at UBP10!

  116. Hi, I love sushi and coffee too! UBP10 woot!

  117. I love that bow-wearing kitty picture! Oh, and please take good notes on surviving teens driving and send them my way, I am so going to need them in a few years!

  118. Your family looks like so much fun! I'm so glad you visited my blog and found me on Twitter. I stand by, we are the strongest of women---we can handle espresso AND chocolate! :)

    Keep partying!

  119. Hey there! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment!

    Mmmm, coffee. :)

  120. Stopping by from UBP 2010! So nice to meet you!

  121. Hey there - shout back at ya ... great to find you xxx

  122. Happy UBP10! Loving your blog! You got yourself a new follower, missy!

  123. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog...your kitty is adorable! Looking foward to hanging out here. You have a new follower! :)

  124. Hi! So nice to meet you on your blog finally!

  125. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, I would love to do a gluten free guest post. My email is on my blog, just send me a note and let me know what you had in mind and when. Thanks!

  126. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad I came to yours! We need to keep in touch because I would love to have you guest post on my blog something you learned from having teen-aged twins! Send me a message if you are interested. My contact info is on my blog.
    Take care!
    Candice -Tidbits for Mothers of Twins.

  127. Hey there new ubp10 bloggy friend. Cute cate. I am not a coffee drinker but I like recipes and watching movies and books. I used to actually scrapbook, but it got lost in the shuffle of the motherhood! THose choc peanut butter bars look amazing!

  128. Looks like you are one busy lady! I cannot even imagine what a nervous wreck I'll be when my children begin to drive. I will probably need some serious anti anxiety drugs. I don't take 'em now, but I probably will then!

    Hope you have a great time with your party and will stop by and say hi when you get the chance! Enjoy!

  129. Thank you for stoping by my blog for the party! Happy Partying to you :)

  130. Did I tell you? I love sushi and coffee too.

  131. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love coffee! Drinking a warm cup now! Have a great day!

  132. I'm returning your UPB visit to my blog. I'm your newest follower here, on Twitter, and on FB. I'm also a FB fan. So nice to 'meet' you. I hope you win a prize!

  133. Yeah we found each other! I so enjoyed your sweet comment on the UBP post! Blessings from our family at 4tunate!

    Blogging the Adventures of Parenting Quadruplets at

  134. Sheesh- coffee, sushi, photography, scrapbooking... we have lots in common!! I used to do marketing for Jessica Sprague, which blended two of my favorite things!

    Found you through UBP10. Look forward to reading more!

  135. that is too darn funny that the cat came and stayed! love the story

  136. Thanks for stopping by and the follow. I'm following your lovely blog now:)Btw, I love coffee too:))

  137. Susieqtpies, thanks for the invitation! I'll be happy to join.
    Have a wonderful day! I'm also your new fan now:)

  138. Following you back! Make sure you include me in the online Chunky Bling Online party!

  139. Thanks for stopping by our site and introducing yourself! It's so great to meet you! I've enjoyed browsing your site a bit. But come on - anyone who has a cat named Aslan is going to have my instant respect and admiration! =D (Both of my sons are named after Lewis due to my love of that particular series.)

    Anyway - again, thanks for stopping by and we look forward to getting to know you better!

    - Carrie from Offering Hospitality

  140. Just popped by to enter your cookbook drawing, since you entered mine! Wouldn't that be funny if we ended up winning each other's? I'm following your blog now, too!

  141. Hey there! Dropping in from UBP10 to say hello! New follower too :)

  142. Hey! Just stopping by from the UBP! I also homeschool and have twins!

  143. I"m so excited to have had all of you stop in and leave some great comments! I've visited most of you with a few more to go! Thanks for those who are blog, twitter or FB fans! I really appreciate it! I follow back! You can count on that!!! I think I visited about 500 blogs. Unreal!

    Thanks again! Thanks to 5Minutes for Mom and Team for all their hard work and dedication to hosting this!

    Toot Tootin' my #ubp10 party horn one last time!!! Toot Toot!

  144. Never got here til after the party - but I made it!

    Luv ya girl!

  145. Hey Winner!
    You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page -


  146. Yeah thanks so much Pamela! Whohhooo! My DD will be thrilled to find out Fantastic Mr Fox DVD is coming her way!!! U Rock!

    Thanks for all you do and MORE!

    Thanks to the sponsor too! I will make sure to go visit her and tell her thanks!


Thank you for stopping in at SusieQTpies Cafe! We are serving up family, food & fun!

Please leave a comment so that I can stop over and visit your blog.

FYI I approve every comment before it is published because of the SPAM issue. Don't be alarmed if you comment doesn't show up immediately.

Have a great day!