

World Autism Awareness Day Book Review and Giveaway

 The Autism Book: What Every Parent Needs to Know About Early Detection, Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention
 Today is World Autism Awareness Day.  Chances are that you know of someone who has a child with Autism.  According to the book, 1 out of 100 children with 1 in 58 being boys are being diagnosed.  The two children that I know of personally are boys.  Autism is so devastating for parents because it is something that is unexpected and  strikes a seeming healthy child between 1-2 years of age. The child simply stops progressing through normal childhood milestones such as social and language development.

I recommend the book if you know of a child with Autism.  The book is a comprehensive guide given to detect, treat and prevent autism. The author is Robert W. Sears, MD, FAAP, is a board-certified pediatrician.  He is the author of The Vaccine Book and HappyBaby and the coauthor of The Baby Book, The Premature Baby Book, and The Baby Sleep Book.  He lives in Dana Point, California.

From Hachette site:

With clarity and compassion, Dr. Robert Sears guides the reader through the maze of autism, explaining what precautions parents can take to decrease their baby's risk, how to detect autism at the earliest possible age, and how to proceed once a diagnosis has been made. The book provides parents with a simple and clear understanding of the biomedical treatment approach that Dr. Sears has used successfully with many of his young patients. It lays out a plan for developmental, behavioral, and learning therapies; shows parents how to begin treatments without a doctor's help; presents information on vaccines and their safe use; and includes an extensive resources section.
 More information can be found at The Autism Book Website.  
Check out World Autism Day website, too.
World Autism Day is a trending topic on Twitter today, too! Do a topic search for World Autism Day for more post on this topic. 

3 copies to my US readers.

To enter: Tell me if you know of someone with Autism and if they are a boy/girl and share your thoughts and opinions for your entry.

Leave your email at least once. Leave separate comments for each entry.

1) Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs and or Facebook Fan Page. (2 entries each for new or current followers)
2) Tweet or blog giveaway (2 entries each, unlimited)
3) Make comments on any of my other blog post (2 entries each, unlimited)

Giveaway ends April 12

Thanks to Anna at Hachette for the book to review and 3 copies as giveaways to my US readers.  Thanks to The Product Review Place for the review opportunity.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know someone near and dear to my heart. He is my 10 yr old son, Peter.
    Its just another day in the life of a homeschool mom. :o)

    Pet Peeve on this topic is when moms compare where their child is on the spectrum, I has always got me when people use the terms "high functioning" like my child is a robot or something.... okay enough ranting on your blog my friend. I will save that for my own. :)


  3. Jenn your child is not a robot,etc. He is a blessing from God. I pray that you have some positive support in your area. Have you ever head of this book?

  4. Well I am the Mom of 4 children with my only girl being diagnosed with ADHD and for 2 of my boys we are waiting for a clear diagnosis. For the 2 year old they are thinking an ASD (we have another psychiatrist appt. coming up) and for my oldest they are thinking Aspergers.

    My 2 year old is already receiveing speech and OT and they are now working on his sensory issues.

    I would love this book, I have seen a lot of books on the subject, but I like how this is a complete book.


  5. I am now a follower on Networked Blogs!!

    I just have to add that My niece also has Autism and I hate the comparing of the signs, symptoms, and like that goes on. Just as every child is different, so is every child on the Autism spectrum.

  6. Kids with autism are totally different, even when they come from the same family. I have 8 kids, 5 of them deal with autism (1 girl and 4 boys). I have another son with severe sensory issues and a daughter with auditory issues (what she hears isn't always what was said, and no it isn't just a teenage thing, she's a very visual learner). My youngest, a girl, feels very out of place because she is so normal.

  7. my brother is autistic, and he'd be considered a very low functioning adult. he's nearly 40 years old now, despite the fact that doctors said he wouldn't make it past 10 years of age. and although he doesn't speak, he does use sign language and is surprisingly good at communicating what he wants, particularly if you have candy. :)

  8. Ang, Jaleta and thelittlereader thanks so much for sharing your stories. I'm thinking of all of you. I'm on my way to visit all your blogs!

  9. Ang, Jaleta and thelittlereader thanks so much for sharing your stories. I'm thinking of all of you. I'm on my way to visit all your blogs!

  10. Congrats to Jen, Jaleta and Ang for being the winners of this giveaway. If you didn't win I strongly suggest you get a copy.
    Have a great day! susieqtpies


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