

Guest Chef Kim cooks up Lazy Lasagna

This week my Guest Chef is Kim from CraftyMamaof4.  She is the true busy bloggin' mama of craft! She always has a lot going on in her lil' blog land! Remember the Mom's Nite Out event coming up May 6th? Well she is doing a Mom's Nite Out in her area of Pittsburgh! So if you are in her area stop in and tell her susieqtpies sent ya!

Well Mz CraftyMama posted this super quick and yummy recipe on her blog and I just had to have her over as Guest Chef!  Have you made something like this before? If so what did you do? If you make this come back and let us  know!!

Looking for a quick easy dinner to satisfy the family before baseball practice? How about this awesome Lazy Lasagna.  I have made this a few times over the last month and it’s a real hit in the crafty shack!
Ingredients (I have left out amounts because I am more of a throw it all together kind of cook.  The amounts you need depend on how large a pan you are using, and how much of each ingredient meets your particular taste.)

Lazy Lasagna
  • Frozen cheese ravioli (I found some nice big ones at Sam’s Club)
  • Your favorite pasta sauce (we like Prego)
  • Shredded mozzerela cheese (lots and lots of yummy cheese)
  • Ground beef
Boil the ravioli until they float
Cover the bottom of the pan with pasta sauce then form single layer of ravioli
Sprinkle a layer of browned and drained ground meat over the ravioli
Sprinkle a layer of shredded cheese over the ground meat
Spread a layer of sauce over the cheese
Repeat layers until pan is full ending with a layer of cheese on top (my pan took 2 layers to fill)
Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 350 degrees until cheese is melted and it is heated through (about 30 min)

Serve and enjoy!


  1. That is one beautiful lasagna, lol! I love making lazy lasagna for my kids, they like the idea of ravioli on their favorite dish. One time, we even make our own ravioli, (well not so lazy lasagna anymore I guess, lol)
    Kitchen is like our favorite place in the house, so making ravioli is their idea of fun, lol!

  2. This looks really good! I bet adding some spinach would be a fun twist.

  3. YUM...that lasagna looks delicious and what a timesaver! Thanks Chef Kim & Susan!

  4. I have everything to do this WOO HOO I am going to try this for dinner tonight ty :) looks yummy

  5. Oh my this sounds wonderful! Goes into the try soon pile! Marie

  6. Yum! Thanks for sharing. Pinned ~ Paula


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