

Summer Math slide?

Summer Math TutorDon't let your child play on the summer math slide! What is the summer math slide?? It is where your child looses 2 months of math learning over the summer.  How can you get your child doing math over the summer? Sign up for TenMarks Summer Math Online Program! The assignments are all set up depending on which program you choose.  From their site "TenMarks is the only online math program that helps students refresh, learn, and master math concepts - in their own time, at their own pace. Each child receives a personalized curriculum to help them master the concepts quickly." Each program covers over 100 skills.You can set up a reward system, too! 

Want more information? Click the above link! My daughter is getting off the math slide and onto the reward slide! This will give her the chance to be independent and in control of her learning while earning fun rewards this summer! 


  1. Thanks for this link - my son is only 2nd grade but could totally benefit from this next year. I will definitely keep this in mind!

  2. Thanks for stopping in! This is a really great company!

  3. My daughter is in 9th standard and she is afraid of Trigonometry. However, recently she has found an online tutoring website, that helps her immensely to do her trigonometry homework. To be very frank, she has improved a lot after using the site. However, thanks for the information.

  4. Did you have success with TenMarks? I had posted on it ( and my work friend needed a math review for her daughter. They had great success with it because her daughter thought it was really fun online games.


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