

Wednesday Homeschool and Educational Link up


Today is the first day of the weekly Homeschool and Educational Link up! This is a place to link up your blog if you have a dedicated blog for homeschooling or post occasionally about your homeschool experience, curriculum, etc. You don't homeschool but you post reviews or giveaways on educational products? Are you a business that carries educational products? If this is you then link up, too!

How to play along???
1) Please follow my blog
2) Add your link and photo to the link up!
3) Leave a comment on this post.
4) Visit the link right before yours and follow them.
5) Hop around and visit the others listed.
6) Once this gets started I'm going to feature a blog each week.
7) Blog and Tweet our Link up so we can find and learn about what homeschoolers are doing and share our ideas.
8) Take the button (right side bar)and post on your blog!


  1. Thanks for allowing me to link up for The Mommy Place ... I wish I could get the picture I want to show up, but I am having no luck )o: Let me know if there is another way to get a picture up there. Thanks!

  2. My photo wouldn't go up either. Does your photo have movement? My blog button has movement so it won't take it. LMK what it is and I can add it for you, unless it is moving!! lol

  3. I enjoy these types of link ups. You get to read different stuff than your regular reading.

  4. Thanks for the linky. :) I enjoy reading about other homeschoolers.

  5. Help me Sensai.
    I need your help when it comes to the fan page thingy.
    How does one shorten the blog posts so only part of it shows up?
    Is it in the feed settings?
    I'm lost.

    oneclutteredbrain AT gmail DOT com.

  6. I had trouble with the photo too!
    New Society Publishers publishes the great John Taylor Gatto, author of Dumbing Us Down and Weapons of Mass Instruction. We don't always feature education on our blog but our topics are always interesting! Stop by anytime.

  7. The button takes a few minutes to show up once you select it!!! Thanks all for stopping in!

  8. YA Book Giveaway at:

  9. Hi!

    Thanks for the educational link up. Squeaky Clean Reads is a great place to give or get "content reviews" for books. We also only give away clean reads, so we have great book giveaways! Thanks again for the place to post.


  10. Hiya, I'm a veteran homeschool mom. Graduated 2 of our 3 kiddos successfully. #3 will be graduating in 2012. The empty nest syndrome is slowly closing in on us. Where did the years go, right? Now following...

    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

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    Wacky Wednesday
    Get Your Hand Out of My Wallet


Thank you for stopping in at SusieQTpies Cafe! We are serving up family, food & fun!

Please leave a comment so that I can stop over and visit your blog.

FYI I approve every comment before it is published because of the SPAM issue. Don't be alarmed if you comment doesn't show up immediately.

Have a great day!