

Educational Giveaway Download N Go Summer Sensations

Today I'm featuring Download N Go Summer Sensations for my Homeschool/Educational post.  If you have something on your blog that fits this theme, feel free to link up at anytime. (BOTTOM OF POST)
Download N Go is a company that plans out the one week study unit.  They have full, planned out lessons for 5 days. Their age focus is K-4th grade, specifically.  I've used pieces and parts of their unit with my older girls.  These lessons are simple to use, step-by-step planning done for you and easy to complete!

Have you ever heard of lapbooking?  The focus is to have lessons for the student to work on for the week and create a finished learning "capsule" of that unit.  This is a great way to create some record of what you are teaching.  These lapbooks can be used over and over for review, share with friends and use for older siblings.
The integrated, reusable lessons include history, geography, reading, science, spelling, vocab, writing, art and much much more!   You are given the file to print what you want over an over.  If you don't have a printer you can use the study as a guide and write out or do the work from the computer. 
I LOVE the list of resources that is given to allow further topic study.   All the searching is done for you and the optional books (including ISBN) is very helpful.  Besides the resource list, I love the interactivity that is built right into the file.  Hyperlinks are embedded so all you have to do is point and click to go right to multimedia selections! This really takes the leg work out of your planning!
Check out their Facebook Fan page for more information! 
They are also having a sale for the month of August:
Back-to-Homeschool Sale, July 30 – August 15:

Autumn Treasures 50% off
Summer Sensations free with every bundle purchase

20% off every bundle purchase

Expedition China will be offered at 50% off regular price August 6 – 13
Enter to win a Copy of SUMMER SENSATIONS!  I'm going to make this a quick giveaway so that if you win you can get it and use it this month! 
1 copy of Summer Sensations
To enter: Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect (right side bar) leave email address
Bonus entries: 2 entries each

1) Go to Download N Go and tell me another title that you'd like to get
2) Enter any of my other giveaways and get 2 entries for each one you enter. Leave comments for entering. (all giveaways right side bar)
3) Link up your educational/homeschool blog, blog post, business,etc. 10 entries

Giveaway ends August 22 and you will get it on the 23rd. Thanks to LitFuse Blog Hop for Download N Go product to review and one for the giveaway winner. 


  1. Thanks for this great chance!! I love Download N' Go units... I am a follower and I linked it on my blog... Thanks again and have a great day!!
    lisa W

  2. Thanks for this great chance!! I love Download N' Go units... I am a follower and I linked it on my blog... Thanks again and have a great day!!
    lisa W

  3. Oops I forgot this: I would love to have the "Expedition China" one also...

  4. Great resources. I'm going to pass this along to a homeschooling friend! If you're looking for more great educational activities to get your kids ready for back to school, you can find some fun games here: Thanks, Jaelyn

  5. Hey -- thanks for following me on Twitter (TwinParenthood)... which brought me to your blog. I Like!

    And, thanks for the chance to win this resource. It sounds great. KAWhiteley (at) emoms (dot) org

  6. Thank u for the opportunity to receive another unit study for the kiddos...they chose the Christmas one...thanks in advance...take care and God bless...The Dawg House

  7. Thanks so much for entering ladies! Remember if you have an education or homeschool blog or post on your blog link it up on the homeschool link up on this post! I follow all who follow me so if you are, give me time and I'll be to yours to visit!!! Thanks so much! Susieqtpies

  8. I just followed you on GFC:) I bought my first unit today, on Davy Crockett and I am anxious for my son to try it out!

  9. Please enter me in your drawing. I am now a follower of your blog,
    I would love to get the expedition Africa unit from DownloadNGo later this fall, I entered another one oyr your giveaways and I linked my homeschool blog here.

  10. I would love to win this DNG unit. We have done 3 so far and started another one today. I linked to you and I am following you. I really want to get Expedition Israel some time this year.

    I am giving away Roller Coasters on my blog so stop by


  11. Congrats to Comment #5 Kathyrn is the winner KAWhiteley (at) emoms (dot) org


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