

Gooseberry Patch Celebrates National Cupcake Day

I'm a huge fan of Gooseberry Patch (duh, right?).  Today is National Cupcake Day and they posted a very yummy recipe on their Facebook page.  This recipe, along with 100 others, will be featured in their new cookbook, 101 Cupcakes, Cookie & Brownies. This book is set to be released in January 2011!  Facebook friends were given a sneak peek into this book, today!  If you are not a fan of their page you really need to be.  Go Fan them, now!

How delicious...a gooey caramel-topped cupcake on a stick! This yummy recipe was shared with us by Angie Biggins of Lyons, Illinois. Thanks, Angie!

Taffy Apple Cupcakes
 from 101 Cupcake, Cookie & Brownie Recipes cookbook

18-1/4 oz. pkg. carrot cake mix
1 c. Granny Smith apples, cored, peeled and finely chopped
1/2 t. cinnamon
20 caramels, unwrapped
1/4 c. milk
1 c. pecans or walnuts, finely chopped
12 wooden craft sticks

Prepare cake mix according to package instructions; stir in apples and cinnamon. Fill paper-lined jumbo muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted near center tests clean. Combine caramels and milk in a small saucepan over low heat; stir until melted and smooth. Spread caramel over cooled cupcakes; sprinkle nuts over top. Insert a craft stick into center of each cupcake. Makes one dozen.

If you'd like to share one of YOUR tried & true recipes with us, it might get picked to be published in an upcoming cookbook! It's easy... just click this link to get started :


  1. [color=#29958d]Great post! thank you for sharing this information. really got under my
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  2. Thanks for sharing, Susie...always appreciate the Gooseberry Patch love! :)

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    - Norman

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