

Follow Friday Link up and Blog Hops

I CAN"T believe that it is ALREADY Friday! This week totally zoomed by!  Link up, below, on my Follow Friday Link up, follow me on Google Friend Connect, RSS Feed, Twitter, Facebook, Networked blogs, etc.
Leave a comment on how you are following me! I follow back!   Check my right side bar because I have 4 GIVEAWAYS ending today!!!

Did you do anything fun this week? My kids started their 5th year being homeschooled.  I have one 6th grader and two 10th graders!

While on my blog hop I found an awesome giveaway!! I love CSN Stores and Envy My Cooking is having a $40 giveaway! Go check it out!
Friday Photo Flashback
For the Friday Photo Flashback- we are to flashback to 1971-72.  I can do that!  Here is a photo of me sometime in 1971! I have very few photos of me as a baby and even less of my mother.  So this one has always been special to me because I can see her arm holding me, supporting me.  I miss that arm. (you can't see it much in this shot because I cropped it for here.)

My Wee View

Society of Socialpreneurs
The Trendy TreehouseLet's Just Give It Away

Get Healthy CheapFacebook Friend Friday 



Follow Along Fridays


  1. I follow you through Google Friend Connect. Great blog!

  2. Hi, popping in from Fun Follow Friday! I did NOT do anything fun this week. I drive a school bus and the first couple weeks back are always madness!

  3. Thank you for posting and hopping!

  4. Following from FF! Hope you can visit mine.
    Have a nice day!

  5. Hi. I'm following from Follow Friday. Hope you'll come by and follow me too! =)

  6. Stopping by to say hi from the hop! I am a new follower!! Hope you can stop by and say hi!!

  7. Hello! Thanks for the linkup! I'll be following you via Google Friend Connect and Google Reader. Cheerios!

    ~ ~

  8. Thanks for the follow. Happy to follow you right back.

    Have a good weekend!

  9. Stopping by from Friendly Friday! Now following your blog and Facebook Fan Page!

  10. Well, weren't you just the cutest sweetie pie! Yes, I miss my support arm too! I'm your newest follower. Nice to meet you. Hope you find time to drop by & maybe follow me too. Have a great weekend. I have a new meme you might like called, "Monday's Music Moves Me" I hope you'll stop by then and play along with us.

  11. Found you over @ Follow Me Friday! I'm your new follower. Come visit and follow back!
    From PDX with Love

  12. Oh, so loving your blog! It's a great site. So much to see and do! Thanks for the follow, and of course I'm following you back.

    I linked up on your fantastic recipe tab, what a great idea!
    Thanks again!

  13. Thanks for stopping by my page & thanks for following me! I am now following you back and I look forward to reading more of you posts and being apart of your next link up or blog hop.

  14. AW! what a cutie you are! I love the photos that I have of my mom when I was little, especially since she had passed away. I wish that I had photos of her when she was little and growing up.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  15. How funny...we both posted pictures from the same year!!!

    You were adorable, and I love how you said you loved that your mom's arm was in the picture.

  16. Thank you so much for stopping by Mommy Minded! I follow you! Have an awesome week!



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