

Katie Up and Down the Hall by Glen Plaskin

Katie Up and Down the Hall: The True Story of How One Dog Turned Five Neighbors into a Family
Katie Up and Down the Hall:  The True story of How One Dog Turned Five Neighbors into a Family. 
By Glen Plaskin

Description from Hachette:  A personal memoir by bestselling author and celebrity journalist Glenn Plaskin, KATIE is a moving story about a man who discovers the true meaning of family after adopting a cocker spaniel puppy. Through the magnetic personality of his mischievous dog, the author soon makes powerful connections with several of his down-the-hall neighbors in a high-rise located in the unique Battery Park City neighborhood of Lower Manhattan. First, Katie trots into the lives of Pearl and Arthur, a warm-hearted elderly couple just a few doors down from Glenn. Later, John, a single Dad, and his rambunctious young son, Ryan, also move in and are seduced by Katie's charms. 

All of their lives are profoundly changed as they are transformed from neighbors to friends to family, with Pearl as matriarch. The motherless boy finds a "Granny"; his Dad inherits a mother, Glenn discovers a confidante. Set in New York City, we witness nearly sixteen years of antics and family adventures spanning Hollywood high times, bad health, accidents, blustery winters, even the terrors of 9/11. Through it all, the family clings to each other, sharing a deep bond that give each comfort, support and security. 

Based upon a widely-read article in Family Circle, here is an unforgettable story about the love that makes a family-one that transcends the hard realities of time, tragedy, and inevitable loss. 

My Take On the Book:  When families take on an animal in their home, that animal becomes a true part of the family.  That is what this book is about.  Katie not only bonded with her owner but with other families around her.  This is a book that will make you laugh and cry, at the same time!  This book is not just for dog lovers! We have 2 cats and I feel that they are a big part of our life and have bonded with friends who stop over and friends on Facebook!  Pick up this book today and read it! If you don't have a pet, I bet you will consider adopting one from your local shelter.  

2 copies

To enter: Tell me something about your pet.  If you don't have one tell me your thoughts on pets and family.  Leave the comment with an email address.

BONUS: (5 entries for doing any of the following)
1) Follow my blog

2)Tweet Giveaway "Giveaway 2 copies of Katie Up and Down the Hall- for Animal lovers, heart-warming story" 

3) Follow on twitter @Susieqtpies @HachetteBooks @CenterStreet

4) Check out Glenn Plaskin Website, Twitter @GlennPlaskin and/or Katie on Facebook-leave a comment on something you did or learned for each entry.
Giveaway ends October 2nd. USA/Canada only.
Thanks to Hachette Book Group for sending me a review copy and mailing out books to the giveaway winners. My Take On The Book words and opinions are all my own.


  1. My pet- Lady is a German Shepherd we got from a rescue. She bonded with me immediately and sees me as some supreme being. It's weird. I'm not! The rest of the family has its place in her mind. My oldest teen she treats like a peer. The other three get herded, much like sheep. At first she tried to protect me from my husband, which was quite unwarranted. He would merely try to hug me and she's get in between and growl. I believe from what little bit the rescue told me, that the woman who had her was abused. That makes sense. She had accepted hubby over the years.

    She's very possessive of me. She adores cheese. She adopted a wingback chair and it is a mess. We gave up and let her have it. A dog bed is in her future because of shepherd hips.
    Good thing you didn't ask me about our horses. There are six of them and I'd rattle on even more!


  2. I already follow.

  3. My lhasa poo, Mercedes, found out last night has cherry eye and will need to get surgery next week :( She's a little spitfire so she will be fine, I'm hoping ;)

  4. We have 2 dogs - kids.
    Maggie & Penny. Both rescues. When we got Maggie she was 3, skittish & nervous, didn't know about leashes or cars. And after we got Penny, the crazy hiper puppy, Maggie seemed to come out of her shell. She lays down to play with Penny, who is half her size, and lets her walk all over and lay on her. It's amazing that two so very different dogs have come to compliment each other, and become the best of friends. We can't imagine our lives or house or family without these two.

  5. When we were first married my husband brought home a small puppy he kept passing by in a pet store. The day he bought her she had been marked down for the second time. She was a mixed poodle & schnauzer or what they call a 'schnoodle'. We named her Pookie & she was loved for 12 years until she died of old age.

  6. FB follower...Ruthie B

  7. I have 3 cats and with my daughter moving in with me, now have 4 in the house. lol They were all adopted from shelters. They are all characters and full of themself. Each has a distinct meow, way of walking, need their own time with me, eating habits, and different personalities. Bootsie is like "Mikie", she eats everything and is very vocal. Garfield is more of an outside cat as he likes to bring me gifts and drop them on my patio. Misskallie, my silver grey, is prissy, dainty eater, meow is gravelly, and likes to bite me. lol. Sampson, my daughters cat was born without the ability of walking on his front paws. Instead he walks on his elbows and sits up like a kangaroo but climbs on furniture and runs just a little slower.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

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    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

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  11. Twitter follower Hachette books(@misskallie2000)

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  12. Twitter follower Centerstreet(@misskallie2000)

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  13. Ck'd out Glen Plaskin's website and saw Pic of Lucy, his new blond.
    She is a real cutie.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  14. Twitter follower of Glenn Plaskin (@misskallie2000)

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  15. Our cat, Oberon, is a big beautiful Maine Coon mix (rescued from the shelter). He is super friendly and personable and follows us around like a dog. He sits on the clothes hamper and waits while I take a shower in the morning.

  16. Ck'd out Katie's FB left comment

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  17. I follow you on Twitter as @picpocketbooks

  18. We have two cats, Ruby, a pure white cat, and Reba, a calico beauty. My husband and I had never had pets before and we couldn't make up our minds if we wanted any but we are now so very happy we have them!

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  24. I have two dogs. Guido is the Maltese and doesn't behave like a dog since he is royalty and thinks like one. Bogie, is the dog we rescued and is small, adorable, smart and the interloper who Guido tolerates. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  25. My cats, Eli and Toby are always vying for my attention. They keep me company day and night and are cozy and homebodies. rojosho(at)hotmail(dot)com

  26. my pets are a scottie and a westie, love them both

  27. I have an 11 year old calico cat that is precious and her name is Precious.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  28. We have two cats, both rescued from a life in a cold barn about seven years ago. They are getting a new playmate next week, another farm cat that is not wanted. Cuddly, quirky and very spoiled describes them perfectly, yet I couldn't imagine life without them.

    alongtheway at telus dot net

  29. I am a new follower

    alongtheway at telus dot net

  30. I have a twelve year old beagle named Junior. right now I am very exasperated because he has fleas and nothing seems to be getting rid of them.

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  41. Mrs Potato Head bonus #1

    alongtheway at telus dot net

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  44. Mrs Potato Head bonus #3

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  50. Mrs Potato Head bonus #10

    alongtheway at telus dot net

  51. Our dog Rocco is such an important part of our family. The kids just love him and he is so good with them.

    +1 I visited the authors website and he also wrote Horowitz: The Biography of Vladimir Horowitz.

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  52. I have a cat named Moonlight. Her best friend was Sunshine but he died last year.

    sunshine9 at imonmail dot com

  53. I'm a new GFC follower of your blog

    sunshine9 at imonmail dot com

  54. I visited the author's website. I looked at the article about intergenerational relationships

    sunshine9 at imon mail dot com

  55. I have two kitties that are brother and sister. My children both have dogs. Pets bring so much love into your life!
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  56. I follow by GFC.
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  57. I think pets are an important part of a family though I don't have one I think they can teach our children about love and acceptance.

  58. follow via gfc

  59. Congrats to the 2 winners:

    2. Patrice said...

    I already follow.

    55. sunshine9 said...

    I'm a new GFC follower of your blog

    sunshine9 at imonmail dot com

  60. I'm excited to be one of your winners. Let me know what I need to do next.


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