

Holly's Inbox Crazy Book Tour

Holly's Inbox: Scandal in the City
"Dear Holly, isn’t it shocking…?
Things are finally going Holly Denham’s way: she’s in love, she’s getting the recognition she deserves at work, and her friends and family have graciously opted to avoid disaster for the moment.
Just when Holly is starting to settle into her new life, scandal erupts and Holly finds herself—and her in box—at the center of a gossip whirlwind that threatens everything she’s worked so hard for.
Written entirely in emails, this follow-up to the UK smash hit Holly’s Inbox will keep you glued to its pages as the scandal running rampant in the city threatens to ruin Holly’s hard-earned and long-awaited happiness." (Taken from Sourcebooks, Inc)
My Take On the Book:  Holly's Inbox: Scandal in the City has a dialog set primarily in Holly's email inbox. Her daily job gossip, work promotions, work related disasters, home life, etc is passed back and forth in her email inbox as well as her colleagues and the occasional boyfriend messages.  
When you read this book, you somehow feel as though you are snooping into someones email account. I was amazed at all the action and drama that goes on in one office!  I'm thinking that more work would get done if they weren't all emailing each other all day long! haha 
Holly struggles with financial, personal and family issue in her inbox.  It wasn't the easiest book to read because of all the dialog going on but it was interesting to see how her world lives via the computer.  I liked how the author, Holly Denham, included other "inbox messages" from workers to other workers about Holly.  
I can easily see high school girls and Chick Lit adults reading this book and enjoying it!   
Want to follow Holly's Inbox? Check it out here, INBOX.
Read more about author, Holly Denham.  
Crazy Book Tours
I'm a participant in Crazy Book Tours.  In this book tour, I was sent the book to read and then I mail it on to the next reader.  The My Take On the Book includes my own tasty words and opinions on the book. Please read it for yourself to draw your own conclusions.  I'm an Amazon Affiliate. 

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