

Naked in Eden Book Tour

Naked in Eden: My Adventure and Awakening in the Australian Rainforest
From the back cover:  Mildly autistic and dangerously disconnected from life, robin Easton was reborn in the Daintree Rainforest of Australia.  In this remote forest, far from everything modern and familiar, Robin and her husband, Ian, pitched camp.  Living among poisonous snakes, stinging trees, and huge spiders, Robin quickly realized that she had become part of the food chain' if she wanted to stay alive, she had to be as acutely aware as the rest of life in the forest.

My Take On the Book:  If you are wanting to read and live an adventure, this book is for you.  Robin, the author, takes on a journey with her husband, Ian, to live in the Dantree Rainforest.  Not only is this her journey but she draws in the reader to be apart of her journey, too.  Going into this story you think that the husband is leading her to do this.  He is at first.  She is following the "crowd", so to speak, as she has always done.  Once they get to the Rainforest, she is the one doing the leading.  Robin realizes why she has been led here and discovers the Robin that was hiding within her all along.  She has a beautiful way of sharing and engaging her readers as she explores and discoveries a small creature, such as an ant and even vast creatures, such as the trees.

Robin refers several times to her life as a child.  Teachers thought very little of her because she wasn't one of the "smart ones". It truly breaks my heart to hear stories like this.  Life is all about learning and when, at a tender age, you are being told that you aren't smart or you aren't worthy of learning or expressing yourself, your spirit gets chipped away until you are left with a shell of no feelings.  Robin takes the reader on this journey. She turns her broken heart and spirit into breath taking beauty.

Robin makes a great point in the book that not everyone can just pick up go live in the Rainforest to be a part of nature.  She encourages us to look and explore and understand nature where we life.  When we do this then we are less likely to want to destroy it.  Thank you Robin for all the nature and life lessons taught!

WARNING:  This book will break your heart and then lift you up and lead you to discover the joy that Robin found during her stay in the Australian Rainforest.
This book is over 300 pages jammed packed with wonderful discoveries of not only of nature but of self.  It is a must read!  Buy it and tell your local Library to get the book! How would you like to win a copy?  Enter below.
2 copies
To Enter:  Follow my blog (right side bar) and leave a comment with your email address.

Bonus Entries: (Worth 5 entries each)
1) Go check out Robin's blog and or website. Leave comments on what you discovered. Each comment gets 5 entries.
2) Follow @RobinEaston @Susieqtpies and @TLCBookTours on Twitter. (5 entries for each follow)
3) Tweet the giveaway "Naked in Eden - Time to get one with Nature with @RobinEaston " unlimited

Giveaway ends September 30th
Thanks to HCI for providing a review copy of the book for my participate in the @TLCBookTours. They will mail out the books to the 2 chosen winners. I'm an Amazon Affiliate. 
What more chances to win and read what others are saying about Naked in Eden? 
Then check out the Book Tour!   Here are a few to get you started:

Tuesday, September 7th:  Luxury Reading
Thursday, September 9th:  Scraps of Life
Monday, September 13th:  not that you asked
Tuesday, September 14th:  Rundpinne
Wednesday, September 15th:  A Nut in a Nutshell


  1. I'm so happy you enjoyed Naked in Eden! It sounds excellent. Thanks so much for being on the tour!

  2. This book sounds so interesting. I have a son on the autism spectrum, so I am interested in robin's viewpoints. I have always wanted to go to australia, and the rainforests have always been fascinating to me. I would love to read this book.

  3. Dear Susie,

    What a beautiful review!! I almost didn't see as I got distracted by the muffin recipe! LOL!! :) You can see where my priorities lie! :)

    It was fascinating to see my life through your insights, and also extremely moving. I was touched when you wrote:

    "Teachers thought very little of her because she wasn't one of the "smart ones". It truly breaks my heart to hear stories like this. Life is all about learning and when, at a tender age, you are being told that you aren't smart or you aren't worthy of learning or expressing yourself, your spirit gets chipped away until you are left with a shell of no feelings. Robin takes the reader on this journey. She turns her broken heart and spirit into breath taking beauty."

    I am just hugging you for that. This whole passage brought tears to my eyes and I love your sensitivity in seeing this with such great compassion. Bless your heart.

    Isn't it amazing that Mother Nature gave me what my own species didn't give me. Being in the forest I just KNEW I was intelligent. Nature brings out our curiosity and we naturally become inquisitive, observant and reclaim our innate intelligence. Put kids into Nature and they immediately come to life, they FEEL their own intelligence because, like I said, Nature sparks curiosity, and curiosity is akin to intelligence.

    Also, in the forest there was no one there to tell me that I wasn't smart, that I wasn't good enough. Nature just IS.

    I am grateful for your beautiful insights and sensitive spirit.

    With gratitude and respect,

  4. Thank you for the opportunity to read this book! Following your blog. xlacrimax at gmail dot com

  5. This book sounds so interesting!

    N_Gel9 at hotmail dot com

  6. This sounds like an inspiring book Thanks for the chance to win

  7. tweeted

  8. I would love a copy of Robin's book! I am now following your blog.

  9. I follow your blog and would enjoy reading this book.

  10. I would love to win a copy of Robins book. I have been to her site often and she is such a beautiful writer! She has such a natural way with words. Thank you for doing this review and giveaway!


  11. I would love to read this book sounds great.

  12. Congrats to the two winners! If you didn't win I sure hope you buy or check out this book at the library! It is lovely as well as the author!

    Winners 4. xlacrimax said...

    Thank you for the opportunity to read this book! Following your blog. xlacrimax at gmail dot com

    9. rubynreba said...

    I follow your blog and would enjoy reading this book.

  13. Yuhu, I thought this one was already over and I wasn't lucky, but I was, so thank you! :)

  14. Thanks so very much! So happy to be a winner. I am emailing you my information.


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