

The Paranoid Parents Guide

The Paranoid Parents Guide: Worry Less, Parent Better, and Raise a Resilient Child
Have you ever started reading a book and had said book stir up worry and fear and make you paranoid? I laugh because I've had that happen with mystery and true crime books.  The book, The Paranoid Parents Guide, didn't do that to me but It made me laugh.  Why would a Paranoid Parents Guide make me laugh?  The book was all about the worries and fears parents have and that over time, tend to make us paranoid. My laughter comes from reading about our fears and worries and then the actual statistics of those fears coming true. Most of our fears are in the wrong place! Are you so paranoid that you won't go shopping with your kids because you don't want to let go of their hand in fear that a stranger will kidnap them?

Check on this YouTube video! Does this describe you?  The author explains her book:

My Take on the Book:  I know that I said at the introduction that this book made me laugh.  I hope you don't think I'm a parent without worries or someone who doesn't care what happens to my girls! I've had my share of fears and worries over the years.  We are in the tween and teen stages of parenting so my fears are quite different from parents with little kids.  The author, Christie Barnes, list the fears that parents have, why they have them and what the actual statistics are for those fears.  It seems that overtime our fears become out of focus, misplaced and over exaggerated due to what we hear in the Media.

Most of the fears listed that others have, I didn't have.  At first that worried me but then I realized some of my fears were ones not listed.  So overall, we have fears, some are mismatched and mislabeled others are true fears.   The author layouts it all out in this book.  She tells us our fears, she gives reason behind them, pours out statistics and reason and helps the reader focus on real fears with real statistics.

I was really impressed with this book.  I know a few parents who should read this book.  Are you one of them??  I'm going to recommend that my Library purchase this book.  Do you want to win one? Up to 3 winners will win here on my blog!  For every 10 comments 1 person will win, up to 3 total!  So get entering!

GIVEAWAY (ended)
up to 3 Winners
To enter:  Tell me a fear you have as a parent.  Leave your email address with this entry.

Bonus entries: (all worth 2 entries)
1) Follow my blog
2) Follow @susieqtpies  @ParanoidParents and @TLCBookTours on twitter
3)Tweet the giveaway "The Paranoid Parents Guide Giveaway- great book! What fears and worries do you have? Are they misguided? " unlimited tweeting
4) What fears do you have just from what you have heard from TV, other friends, family, etc. Each comment is worth 2 entries.  Unlimited comments.
5) Check out the author's awesome blog! Come back and leave a comment on what you learned.  unlimited comments.

Giveaway USA and Canada.  Ends October 5th.
Sponsor provided the book for me to review. My own tasty words and opinions are expressed here. Sponsor is also mailing books out to the giveaway winners.

Looking to get even more chances to win this book? Go see what others are saying on the TLC Book Tour.

Christie Barnes TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS:

Wednesday, September 8th:  Overstuffed

Thursday, September 9th:  The Prissy Mommy Chronicles

Monday, September 13th:  Juggling Life

Wednesday, September 15th:  Suzie QTPie’s Scraps of Life ( ME )

Thursday, September 17th:  JDaniel4′s Mom

Monday, September 20th:  From Marriage to Motherhood

Wednesday, September 22nd:  Book Dads

Monday, September 27th:  Red Headed Book Child

Wednesday, September 29th:  Baby Dickey

Monday, October 4th:  Eternal Lizdom


  1. My biggest fear is drowning because one of our friends had a daughter that drown.

  2. One of my fears is that my kids will make bad choices in life
    kkfoster35 at msn dot com

  3. I am a blog follower
    kkfoster35 at msn dot com

  4. I am following everyone on twitter (allthingsavon)
    kkfoster35 at msn dot com

  5. I tweeted the giveaway (allthingsavon)
    kkfoster35 at msn dot com

  6. My daughter rides her bike to school so I worry about her getting hurt/hit by a car. I worry about social stuff, will they have good friends, etc. I worry about car accidents. I worry about tons of stuff!!

    Thanks so much for being on the tour.

  7. Now that I have a teen driver...I have a fear of my teen being hurt in a car accident.

  8. I won't let my 12 year old girl walk to or from school or the local grocery store, even though it is only about 1/2 a mile. I am terrified that someone will grab her or she will get hit by a car.

  9. I have been afraid of my kids getting West Nile virus. They love to play outside and they get bitten, but I feel that pesticides are harmful. 1

  10. I went to Christie Barnes site and learned that there isn't a single reported case of a child contracting West Nile.

  11. my biggest fear is that my children will be unhappy.

  12. gfc follower

  13. fear from tv/friends is bullying

  14. bullying #2

  15. another fear from tv is my child being kidnapped

  16. kidnapped #2
    hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com

  17. One of my fears is my kids getting seriously hurt after last month my son had to get stitches for falling and splitting his forehead open :(
    Bev23anc at yahoo dot com

  18. I follow @susieqtpies, @tlcbooktours and @parnoisparents on twitter @babydolls1921
    Bev23anc at yahoo dot com

  19. Watching tv only makes my fears grow stronger from kidnapping, and failing in school, babysitters miss treating kids, car accidents, shootings at school I'm a very worried parent! :/
    Bev23anc at yahoo dot com

  20. Watching tv only makes my fears grow stronger from kidnapping, and failing in school, babysitters miss treating kids, car accidents, shootings at school I'm a very worried parent! :/
    Bev23anc at yahoo dot com

  21. My fear is that anytime my kid has a cold, fever etc that they will just stop breathing at night.

    milenamilani at verizon dot net

  22. My greatest fear is of drowing. I dislike having my kids near water since they are still learning to swim.

    kclements2001 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  23. THe media makes me fear red dyes, vaccines, and other things I really should not worry too much about!

    kclements2001 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  24. Congrats Winners! If you didn't win I sure hope you still plan to get the book. It was worth reading.

    #20 Beverly Bev23anc at yahoo dot com

    # 26 Milena
    milenamilani at verizon dot net

    #5 kkfoster35
    kkfoster35 at msn dot com

  25. Thanks so much!
    We are so excited to get the book and read it!
    Emailing you back now :)


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