

Top Ten Tips for a Cleaner, Greener Home

This is such a wide topic of discussion!  I'm always wondering what does it really mean to be "green"?  I also wonder if products are labeled "green" are they really green and how do you know?  Ack! It is all so confusing.  I've decided that to be "green" means to keep things as natural as possible around the house and have less chemicals.  What are you thoughts?

TOP 10
1) Baking Soda- It is a very basic product that is over looked by itself.  So many products include baking soda these day.  Dump them and just use baking soda.  It is a natural, gentle cleaner and is great for scuff marks on floor and walls.  I love to sprinkle it on carpet, wait 30 minutes and then vacuum.  We have kitties so this, to me, helps having a box of it sitting near the litter box!  Check out Solutions at Arm & Hammer for more tips! 

2) Lemons- I know this is another one of those basic items that you see included in other products.  Ditch them and use lemons!  I love the smell of lemons! I use lemons on my counter tops.  I don't have granite (wish I did) so my laminate counter tops can stain easily.  I squeeze on the lemon juice, let sit for a minute and then work in with some baking soda! Tada by by counter stains!.  Here are other Lemon tips.

3) Cold water- I use cold water to wash most of my laundry.  Cold water saves energy! I only wash the really white items and towels in warm (not hot) water.  I've done this for years and have never see a difference in the way the clothes get clean.  So I'm saving money on this one, too.

4) High Efficiency Washer and Dryer- This set is the best appliance in our home.  Now I personally do not know if it really is more efficient and if it does same more money with less energy being used. I only know by what the makers display with their products.  I trust that they've done the research and sold me a great machine.  They use less water and less heat to dry. Here are more tips on these type of products.

5) Reusable totes- I have at least 30 totes that I can use for groceries and other store items instead of bringing  home more plastic bags.   I'm slow at taking this head on but I'm getting there.  The stores where I shop are slowing allowing us to bring in our own bags. A year ago, they looked at me like I was a freak, today they don't even bat an eye.  Oh and I save money! I never buy a tote! Places give them away all the time! These bags are used all the time around the house.  Going to the beach? Grab a tote!

6) Keurig Coffee Machine-OK I know you are wondering where this is one is going! I'll tell you! I'm the main coffee drinker.  I can't drink an entire pot. I usually only drink 1 cup when I first get up and maybe one in the afternoon.  The 2nd cup of the day never tasted fresh when I used drip method and had to warm up the coffee. I knew I was wasting my money, coffee, coffee filters and time!  So the one cup brew of a Keurig uses just enough energy and product for one cup.  I've even figured out a way to reuse and reuse my cups over and over and over. Tips here. 

7) HE-High Efficiency laundry soap- This goes back to the machine that I own.  I found that you can purchase the HE soap and it saves money and you are using less product.  It is a more concentrated product, less suds, less used and works with your machine to allow you to get the most out of its features.  Again, I don't know this from my own research but know this from what retailers are telling me.  I'm trusting them.  Read up more on the Laundry Soap here. 

8) Paper towels- Just say NO! I say no and I don't buy them unless we are having a big party (help with quick spills.) They are a waste of money. We need the trees to build homes and other large items. Don't kill them just for paper towels.  I have rags that I use to clean and they get tossed in with the wash. If I buy a roll of paper towel my husband and children will use it up quickly.  Every tiny spill and every hand drying needs one. No way! Not here.

9) Recycle if you "can"! There are so many things around us that we use once and toss. Get creative and reuse it, recycle it! This takes time and patience but once you get into it, it becomes a habit and you are always looking for ways to recycle and reuse.

10) Plants and Herbs- I'm totally convinced that plants are good for my home.  Look outdoors and what do you see? Green! So pull the outside inside! Plants help with indoor pollution!  This sounds funny but we live in an older home that came with its own unique smell.  I found that plants help get rid of the house smell, animal smells, shoe smells,etc.  Plants take in our CO2 and give off O2.  How wonderful is that?  So get green by bring the outdoors inside!  Believe me? Read more here! I love this site. I don't have a "green thumb" but slowly over the years I've found plants that work with me!

So do you agree/disagree with my top 10? Share your thoughts with me!  You can also share them on TwitterMoms!  Check out the Mrs. Meyer's widget in the left side bar to see what other mom's are saying on this topic!
*Check out the widget for Mrs. Meyer's on my left side bar for more Cleaner, Greener Home tips!
* IF you tweet, do a search for #MrsMeyers to see other tips on a cleaner, greener home!
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Mrs. Meyer’s blogging program, making me eligible to get a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here


  1. Take a look at some resources and fun tools surrounding "green" cleaning!

  2. whats up everyone

    just found your site and wanted to ask for some advice on marketing

    hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read Im trying to find a way to build an e-mail list.


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