

You want a what? A Family Fun Vacation!

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Cheerios® is giving you the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, your ultimate family vacation. As part of a paid promotion for their “Do What You Love” Sweepstakes, Cheerios® is sponsoring my post today about what my ultimate family vacation would be. Read mine and Enter the Sweepstakes for a chance to actually win your own fantasy family trip or one of a bunch of other great prizes.

Are you ready to plan and take a family vacation?  You know the type; where you all get in the car and sing fun car songs for hours and hours until you reach the Grand Canyon.  Everyone giggling and have a fun time. No one fussing, whining or asking "are we there yet?" The only entertainment in the car are the people you are in the car with and a spiffy 8 track player.  Is this a dream trip or WHAT?

I'm thinking the above trip sounds like a Brady Bunch episode!  I'll take that on a silver platter, please.  As we all know, we can't have it the way it is on TV!  Sometimes I have to remind myself that TV is not real life!  So to have a great family vacation you need to sit down and plan it out.  Remember the saying "If you fail to plan you plan to fail?"  Planning is the key to having a successful vacation (or so I've been told.) 

Right now, I'm thinking the next "Family Vacation" with my husband and girls does need to be that driving trip to the Grand Canyon! It seems to me that if we put aside some of the electronics (cell phone, iPods, game boys,etc) we can capture a little bit of pure family bonding on such a car trip.

Now I'm NOT insane but I think that once an hour for 15 minutes we can turn off electronics and sing some good old car songs like "99 bottles of beer on the wall" or play "I spy" or even watch for license plates!  I'd love to just stop in at the "hole in the wall places to eat" and sleep, too! (Of course for sleeping I would check online for places to avoid along the way- you know the places with bedbugs and such)  I'm ready to toss out excess and scale down a vacation and  minimize the extras.

How about you? Are you longing for a fun family vacation? What is your ideal vacation? I'd love to hear it!

Don't forget to enter the “Do What You Love” Sweepstakes, for a chance to win your own ultimate family vacation. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Susie!

    I entered and what a wonderful vacay that would be!



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