

Dear Dial Diary Week 1: Healthy Skin Foods

I'm a Dial NutriSkin Member!

My biggest overall skin issue is dryness.  My face is oily at times but now that I'm older (umm....only 40) I really have issues of dry, itchy patches.  This is very frustrating for me.  I'm hoping to get some insight into my skin issues by participating in a 4 Week Dial® NutriSkin™ program.  Each week we will be getting tips on eating better that will help me "radiate a healthy glow" and hopefully give me some control over my crazy dry, patchy skin. 

The program expert is Amy Hendel. Her week Week 1 tips explained that the saying "you are what you eat" holds true to your skin health and your food choices can improve skin's resilience and clarity, slow the aging process and prevent breakouts.  I get occasional face breakout around the time of my menstrual cycle.  I've always had this problem.  Now that I'm older, my neck brakes out the most.  

Amy listed three major aspects of skin care.  Are you familiar with these? I am but yet I haven't put it all together until now.  

Here they are and her tips: 

Hydration: Keep your skin from becoming too dry by drinking lots of water. I think that I drink enough water. If I didn't then I would have more of a dry skin issue. Since my dryness is in patches I'm thinking hydration isn't my issue.

Food suggestions are: Foods fortified with biotin like white meat chicken, eggs and Swiss chard as well as oily fish and flaxseed because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. 

Blemish fighters: Prevent and fight breakouts by following a proper skin regimen. I've been doing this since teen days. I think that now that I'm older I should be doing and using different products. I'm not though. I still use the same face wash my teens use. Hmmm... that probably isn't a good thing.

Food suggestions are: Foods that are rich in zinc like vegetarian baked beans, garbanzo beans and pumpkin seeds.

Anti-aging: Have regular use of broad spectrum SPF and add Vitamin E to your diet. These will help with prevention of skin damage and wrinkles. Wrinkles come with age, right? So over time we can slow the process? I need to buy some Vitamin E.

Food suggestions: Tuna and fortified cereals along with dark chocolate, tea and watermelon

Dear Dial Diary,
So what am I going to do for the next week? Buy Vitamin E, look into other facial washing products for more "mature" women, use the new Dial® NutriSkin™ body wash, which is suppose to hydrate and moisturize and rid my skin of impurities. It is going to be a crazy week of food because of Thanksgiving.  

 I wonder if this is suppose to be used on the face? I've used it for 2 days in the shower. I tried out the new Cherry seed oil with mint and the Grape seed oil and lemongrass. Oh my these both smell great. They were so thick and rich. They were very silky on my skin. I didn't use them on my face and neck because I wasn't sure if I should since I had used my "teen" facial wash. I would love this in a pump bottle because it is so silky I was afraid that I was going to drop the container! I wondered if my hands and body would be greasy after the shower and they were not. My skin is silky hours after the shower.
I wonder if turkey has biotin in it? Today is Thanksgiving and I'm off to eat some right about.....NOW!
Signing off! Susie

How about you? What changes do you need to make? Have any tips for me or for my blog readers? Please do share!  

I was selected with 99 other bloggers to participate in the elite Dial Healthier You Member program.  I was sent Dial NurtriSkin products to test out.  This in no way has influenced my post.  My thoughts and options are my own tasty words! 


  1. Good advice and thanks for the coupon! :-)


  2. I'm trying to figure out who all the other Dial Healthier You Members are besides me. :)

    That's a great idea to include the coupon - I will share that with my readers next week.

  3. it was very interesting to read. I want to quote your post in my blog. It can? And you et an account on Twitter?

  4. He intención de publicar algo como esto en mi página web y me dio una idea. Saludos.

  5. Have a DYNAMITE day my friend!


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