

Free iTriage Smart Phone App!

For Christmas I got a SMARTPhone!!  I finally gave in and decided to upgrade my 2 year old phone into an Android phone.   Some days I feel like the phone is smarter than I am!  Other days I'm the smart one because I run across Apps that are very handy and saves me time.  The App that I found yesterday through Moms Blogger Club is called iTriage.  This App is a medical reference application for Smartphones, created by two Doctors with Healthagen.

The app is for the iPhone and iPod Touch, Android and Palm.  The cost is FREE which is why I tried it out.  As a mom, I'm finding that this app is going to come in handy!  Using this app, I can search and browse hundreds of medical symptoms, diseases, procedures, treatments, medical test, find a Doctor, links to and phone numbers for "Nurse Advice Lines."  There is also a button  to press for EMERGENCY! I have to say that I was a tad scare to push that button!  I gave in and pushed it to find that the next screen takes you to a "Call 911" and "Change Emergency Number" screen.  I didn't push them since I'm not needing those services at this time but how cool is that?
As a mom, I found that I would most likely use the SYMPTOM page the most.  It is very easy to use and when you click on a symptom it quickly takes you to a page that allows you to get more of a description, find out what test you need, what treatment needed, videos and images, more searches and the advice line.  I love the PROCEDURE page.  What a great way to find out about a medical procedure, its cost, who does it, possible complications, images and videos and more!

I'm truly feeling smart with this app and it is being called "Healthcare in Your Hand"! This app will be a true time saver for me!  I wish I had this last year when we were traveling and my daughter needed to go to an Urgent Care Center.  I had to use the yellow pages in a paper phone book (I know, so '90s) to look up the information and even with that I didn't know which location was near me. iTriage uses the phone's GPS to help find nearby treatment centers, pharmacies, hospitals, ER and even in some states you can get the wait times so you can choose which ER to go to!  Very cool.   I really could go on and on about this application but you will need to install it and check it out for yourself.

 Disclosure/Disclaimer:  This is a Sponsored Post through a Mom Blogger Club where I am a member. These are my experiences and tasty words & opinions. 

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