

Best-Ever Cookie Link up with Gooseberry Patch

 Ok, sorry friends but I AM ADDICTED to Gooseberry Patch.  I really am not sorry about it, their cookbooks are wonderful,  JoAnn and Vicki are my long lost sisters (I wish) and their social media staff are just down right lovable (Jen and more.)  

Today's link up is Cookies!  "Best-Ever Cookie" Cookbook is the latest and greatest cookie cookbook to hit the shelves! If you aren't a stranger to my neighborhood then you'll know that I reviewed this cookbook awhile back.  If you glance to your left, you'll see it at the TOP of my HOT POST~Sizzle~ as it has been in the top post for over a month now. Click HERE to get some tasty recipes!
Best-Ever Cookies: Cookies 'Round the Calendar...Yummy, Easy-to-Make Favorites for All Occasions! (Goosberry Patch)
Calling all COOKIES!
To celebrate our new cookbook, Best-Ever Cookies, this week's Recipe Round-Up is all about our favorite sweet treats. Click here (or on the book) to see what makes this book so special!   So link up all your tasty cookie recipes here!  If you want the link up on your blog, you'll have to pop on over to their blog and get the code!
Such a fun way to do a Virtual Cookie Exchange!  If you do link up from my blog or you are stopping in because of the cookie exchange, leave me a comment and I'll make sure that I get over to your blog and visit you!
xox SusieQTPies oxo

1 comment:

  1. New fan!!
    Love the recipes!

    I also have a recipes page you might like on my blog-

    I'm on facebook too!


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