

Home-Ec 101 by Healther Solos book review

Home-Ec 101: Skills for Everyday Living - Cook it, Clean it, Fix it, Wash it
 My name is Susie and I am known as a Susie Homemaker.  I prefer being called that over being called "Lazy-Susan" which you all know is the turn-table-spinney-thing that gets placed in the center of tables.  I really do like being called Susie Homemaker because I love my family, my home and playing house.  I LOVED Home- Ec class in Jr. High.  I even wanted to take it in Sr. High but I couldn't squeeze it in my "college prep" studies, yeah right, whatever.

So where am I going with this? Well I had the opportunity to review the hot little dish of a book, Home-Ec 101:  Skills For Everyday Living by Heather Solos.  I knew by the cover (yes, sorry I do judge a book by its cover) that I had to read this book.  I love the 50s look of the cover and I have taken the era quiz and I am a 50s lady.  When I read the bio on the author, I really felt as though she was my long lost twin.  I've never bumped into her but after this review I'm going to start stalking her online (haha.)   Really, at least I'm honest, right?

This book is broken into Sections.  Here are the sections and a few of my favorite parts within each section:

Section 1:  Clean It- Here you will learn about what tools you need an the chemistry of cleaning, making a schedule (I'm accused at times that I'm Mz. Organized, but really I am not. I just don't let people see me sweat- most of the time.) floors, kitchen grease & grime, bathrooms, windows, bedrooms and dust mites which is creepy.

Section 2:  Wash It- Happy help on stains & odors and how rolling down a window is not always an option, garment repairs (beyond dental floss & staples) and the thankless chore of laundry (which btw my girls all do their own laundry...yes by 6th grade.)

Section 3:  Fix-It- The bare minimum handyman guide, good appliances & avoid minor meltdowns, plumbing (which I do not care to ever do but I will gladly clean the bathroom) throw rug & walls and repairs.

Section 4: Cook-it- Burned water, kitchen set up, recipe rundown & deciphering, pantry principles & the Zombie Apocalypse which I never knew went hand-in-hand, meal planning (so good to know I'm not a FREAK) and substitutions.

I loved the entire book.  I really thought that the book would be too basic but it wasn't.  Ms. Solos (my long lost twin) supplied a lot of basic information which, even Susie Homemaker appreciated.  I already told my girls, 12, 16 and 16 that this is this new school book as I am their Home-Ec teacher.  The book easily shows me what to teach them and how to go about doing it. 

I loved the "Make It Manageable: Flexible Scheduling" which is something that I tried one time and then gave it up.  I don't see me ever following it but it would be great for someone who needs discipline.  The Appendix includes Homemade Cleaning Solutions, Dangerous Chemical  Combination's,  Emergency Preparedness Checklist ( I needed this even though I have been in many hurricanes and storms) and Measurements Conversion Charts.  I find these type of charts very helpful.

I knew most everything in the Cook-It Section and read it several times just because I'm nerdy that way.  I really love how easy the book flows and I feel all "equipped" and ready to teach my daughters Home-Ec. This book would make a PERFECT present for a new mom, bridal shower, teenager, college student, nerdy housewives and even for a bachelor.  

I hope you will pick up this book and look through it.  It really is a wonderful.

Thanks to the author and One2One Network for providing a copy of this book for me to review.  My own tasty words & opinions are expressed here. 


  1. Oh thank you for that info because I wouldn't have thought about this book thinking it was too basic as well.

  2. Thank you so much! This sounds like an absolutely wonderful and useful book.

    I am definitely adding it to my wish list and see if my library has it until I can get it.

    Both my daughter and in a few years son would benefit.

  3. like martha, i am ready to see if the library has it and if i enjoy it as much as you did, i think i will have to buy one. it sounds like it would be a good wedding gift as well, since many young ladies are not taught even the basics! thanks so much for the review! i'm anxiously off to the library now!

  4. Thank you so much for posting this kind review.

    Angi, so far the only library I know has it is Charleston Count (in SC). You can certainly request it. I offered to donate a copy to my local library and they acted all weird and told me there is a process, but failed to elaborate.

  5. heather,
    you were correct, none of my local libraries had it, i even went to Borders to look for it and THEY didn't have it! I finally went on Amazon and ordered it! I was so excited when it came. I have started it (along with notes) and have not been disappointed yet! I liked the one comment about using it for a guide on teaching my kids home ec! alot of my notes are for that! thanks sooo much for this wonderful find! love it, love it love it!


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