

Alexa Blog Hop! Improve your blog ranking

Welcome to the Alexa Blog Hop! I'm honored to be the cohost this week with Spearmint Baby, Kelly’s Lucky You, & Our Family World ! So please, after you read this, follow me and link up and then please go do the same on their blogs!

What is the Alexa Blog Hop? It is a hop to help you improve your Alexa ranking.  Some of you are here because you have been participating in our Alexa Blog Hops the past few weeks and you have probably seen a significant improvement in your Alexa rank. If you are a new blogger looking to decrease your Alexa rank & gain new GFC (Google Friend Connect) followers, please participate.

You will need to install the Alexa Toolbar on your browser. It only takes a few seconds! There are toolbars for Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox. (for those that are worried, don’t be. This is NOT an additional toolbar, just a little “A” icon that will show up in your toolbar)

The Alexa Toolbar will allow you to keep track of your daily Alexa Traffic Rank- which will give you an idea of how your blogging efforts are paying off. you can also use it to check out the Alexa Rank of any website.

e.g. Facebook is ranked a 2, Blogspot is a 5, Anthropologie is 5,723, and today Spearmint Baby is 107,252 and I'm at 169,749. Your Alexa Traffic Rank will most likely fluctuate daily and the lower you are the better.

Here are the rules:
*Download the Alexa toolbar
*Add your blog name & URL to the linky list below.
*Then, follow any blogs on GFC that interest you (be sure to leave a friendly comment on their blog letting them know that you are a new follower so they can follow back!) if you are already a follower of their blog, just leave a comment asking them to visit you for the Alexa hop!
*Feel free to grab the Spearmint Baby Blog Hop banner & post on your blog to get new people involved. (the more new people the better!)
*Please note that i keep this blog hop open all week so you have plenty of time to visit all of the blogs on the list

*So to make this work and decrease your ranking, Install the tool bar, Link up in the Hop, Follow Spearmint Baby and myself on Google Friend Connect, Leave a message and do the same to the other blogs listed! It really does help!

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