

Thursday Threading Blog Hop- come on over and link up!

Joy over at Catharsis asked me to co-host her hop this week. So Welcome to Thursday Threading Blog Hop!  This is her 4th week of the hop. Thanks to all who continue to link up and welcome to new hoppers! Have fun threading from one blog to the next! 

This week's lucky and gracious co-host is Susie of SusieQTpies Scraps Of Life (spot #2).  (Thanks to for helping me in selecting our co-host).  And thank you again, Susie!!  

As usual, the rules are simple.  Just follow Joy in the (spot #1), and my blog SusiesQTpies Scraps of Life blog (spot #2) and then feel free to link up below.  Visit as many of the other blogs as you'd like and make sure you comment so they know you've visiting and/or following them. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Susie, I linked up and of course I already follow you so off to Jen's site next


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Have a great day!