

Christmas in September iPad Giveaway!

**EVERYONE WHO leaves a comment on this blog post will be enter to win a copy of this book from my blog. So please leave a comment on something magical at Christmas with your email address to be in on the win. Winner picked 9/27**
It’s Christmas in September!

To celebrate the release of her first Christmas book, Suzanne Woods Fisher has teamed up with her publisher, Revell, to bring you the "Christmas in September" iPad Giveaway! The winner will be announced on 9/27 at the A Lancaster County Christmas Facebook Party! Details below. Tell your friends and join in the fun (9/7-9/27).

Oh and be sure to follow the blog tour here - many of the bloggers have copies of the book to giveaway! 
Suzanne and Revell will be presenting one merry winner with a Christmas Prize Pack (valued at over $600):

  • A Brand New iPad 2 with Wi-Fi
  • $25 gift certificate to iTunes
  • A copy of A Lancaster County Christmas

To enter, click one of the icons below. But, hurry the giveaway ends on 9/26.

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter
But, wait! There's more! The winner will be announced at the A Lancaster County Christmas Facebook Party on 9/27 at Suzanne's author page. During the party she'll be revealing something *BIG* - you won't want to miss it. She'll also be hosting a book chat, trivia contest and giving away a few early Christmas presents! Hope to see you there.

About the book:
Jaime and C. J. Fitzpatrick began their married life as most couples do--in love and looking forward to a bright future together. But four years later they've drifted apart and are almost ready to call it quits.

Mattie Riehl was hoping to give her husband Sol the Christmas gift they have both longed for--news that a baby was on the way. But as usual, she is disappointed. The holidays bring an acute awareness to Mattie that her dream of a big family isn't likely to become a reality.

Then a winter storm raging outside blows the Fitzpatricks into the Riehl home--and into a much slower pace of life. Can these two couples from different worlds help each other understand the true meaning of love this Christmas?

With her trademark plot twists and attention to detail, Suzanne Woods Fisher offers readers a beautiful Christmas story of love, forgiveness, and what truly matters in life.

Scraps of Life Book Club Review: Here is another wonderful book by Suzanne Woods Fisher (click link to read more about her on my blog). I am a fan of her writing style and story themes. Yes, it is September and I'm writing a review on a Christmas Book! The reason for that is my participation in the Litfuse book Tour and to let you know about ahuge author Facebook party on 9/27.

This book is set during Christmas time, which is truly the most magical time of the year. For me the miracle of Christmas already happened but I so love reading stories that are written to bring  that unexpected magic into every day situations.

We've had such a long, hot summer so it was quite refreshing to read about the snow and the cold of winter. I really felt like making hot cocoa while reading this book. Ms. Fisher has two couples in her book, both facing exciting and difficult times.   My favorite part of the story is when Jaime was opening up and sharing with Mattie. Mattie just listened and starting making pies in the kitchen which baffled Jamie. Mattie stressed to Jaime that she shouldn't give up on her husband or on life without a fight just because it gets difficult. Mattie even pointed out to her that maybe she has given up on God, too. All while doing this, Mattie is making pie. Mattie is showing and guiding Jaime about strength and faith. She is making pie as a way to show that you keep going, have faith and don't give up. 

This section is extremely heartfelt and full of strength and I have reread it several times. I also have  it marked with a sticky note so that I can go back to it and read over and when times get tough and when I feel like giving up.  

If you enjoy Contemporary Christian Fiction then you will enjoy this book as well as other books written by the author.
About the Author:

Her interest in the Amish began with her grandfather, W.D. Benedict, who was raised Plain. She has many, many Plain relatives living in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and travels back to Pennsylvania, as well as to Ohio, a couple of times each year for research.

Suzanne has a great admiration for the Plain people and believes they provide wonderful examples to the world.  In both her fiction and non-fiction books, she has an underlying theme: You don't have to "go Amish" to incorporate many of their principles--simplicity, living with less, appreciating nature, forgiving others more readily-- into your life.

When Suzanne isn't writing or bragging to her friends about her first new grandbaby (!), she is raising puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. To Suzanne's way of thinking, you just can't take life too seriously when a puppy is tearing through your house with someone's underwear in its mouth.

Find Suzanne, HERE and Link to purchase the book, HERE.

Thanks to Litfuse and Revell for giving me a copy of the book in my participation in the Book Tour. My own tasty and honest opinions are expressed here. 


  1. Christmas is magically! I love the whole "Santa" mystery. Email addy is with my name.

  2. I was born in Lancaster and my mom is from a Plain family and was raised Plain. Much of her family is still plain.

    Love keeping a Christ-centered Christmas--that's magical enough for me.

    I'm not comfortable posting my email addy for all to see

  3. Thanks both of you for stopping in and leaving a comment! It is OK not to want to leave it public but somehow you'll have to make sure I can get it incase you win! You are welcome to email it to me at arteachersusan at gmail dot com or just come back and check a day after the giveaway ends!

    Have a great night! Susieqtpies

  4. First & foremost, Christ makes CHRISTmas magical! We even have a birthday cake for Jesus! Even though my kids are all grown now, this is a tradition I still carry on.

  5. Awesome giveaway. The book looks amazing too.
    I can't believe it's almost Christmas again.

  6. Since I live in the south I think snow is magical at Christmas. I have also thought the Christmas tree seems very magical.


  7. I think watching the kids faces is magical! even as they get older and they "know" that it might just be someone besides Santa...its great to see their expressions!


  8. Hi Susie! What an interesting point you made in the review of "Lancaster County Christmas!" Love that you saw the interaction between Jaime and Mattie as so genuine...and loved that you noticed Mattie's calm pie making. I had to smile when I saw the part of sticky notes...I do that, too! Books are filled with post-it tabs! Would you mind if I used your review in a blog post? Just loved it, Susie. Thanks for being a part of the tour! Warmly, Suzanne Woods Fisher

  9. The magic of Christmas for me lies in the absolute joy of giving gifts! I LOVE keeping my list throughout the year of things I think my family and friends would love, or things they mention that they like or want. I work on my Christmas gifts all year, buying or making them, researching and reading reviews to get the 'right' one, wrapping them (and I often make my wrapping paper and bows and tags, too), hiding them...! I love all of that so much. And there's nothing like seeing somebody open something that you've picked for them and smile THAT smile--the one that lets you know you really got it RIGHT!

    Ahhh...there it is. I'm in the holiday mood now. :)

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  10. I know it doesn't have anything to do with Christmas from a Christian perspective, but I do enjoy the colorful light displays!

  11. i love the spirit of the season. everything about the Christmas holiday is magical!

  12. Family! As a woman whose extended family does not get together at Christmas, the magic of Christmas is taken away because getting up and cooking meals for you family is like every other day if there are not others to share it with. I also LOVE Christmas Lights. White lights = Winter Wonderland.


  13. Snow! And the magic of my children's anticipation. Christmas is the best with kids! faeriecastle at yahoo dot com

  14. Christmas, for me, isn't about the THINGS (snow, lights, cookies, presents, etc.)It's about the feelings. Like carrying on a tradition and feeling a connection with family who have passed away. Or the feeling of peace after going out into the freezing cold to attend midnight mass and then walking home into the warm, quiet house. The beauty of the carols and the story of Christ's birth that swell your heart and make you happy.

    mojoknittin at gmail dot com

  15. I love how the snowflakes glisten and shine.

    thesuburbanjungle @

  16. The best thing about Christmas is giving!! The best gift EVER is celebrated at CHRISTmas!!!! I am really looking forward to reading this book!!

  17. This sounds like a great story and I can't wait to read it.

    babykf629 at gmail dot com

  18. Christmas is just so wonderful when you have family and friends over for Christmas dinner.
    We are Ukranian and have a great homemade meal with perogies, cabbage rolls, etc. I love to make and share this meal with my family.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  19. I would love to read this book! Christmas is my favorite time of the year! Holly Hennessy Swint

  20. katklaw777 at yahoo dot com
    Magical to me are the faces of my loved ones on Xmas morning, that makes all my hard work worth it...


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