
Crock Pot Pizza Soup Recipe

This is a great soup for the up and coming Holidays! As you can see it is in my Christmas bowl so we make this when we are having a large crowd over. Such a fun and yummy soup. This is easy to cut in half and or double for large crowds. This amount here will make a large Crockpot full.

I don't leave out ingredients my kids might not like...instead they try it and if they don't like it then they politely have to pick it out. That is the same way with this soup. There are ingredients that they don't normally eat on their pizza over time they have learned to enjoy this the way it is made or they pick out the unwanted ingredients. Customize this to fit your crowd!

Pizza Soup


--2 jar (14 oz) of pizza sauce
--3 empty jars full of water (this time I used lg can of tomato juice- much better)
--3 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
--1 fresh, chopped jalapeno
--1 lg red onion, chopped
--1 jar sliced mushrooms
-- 2 lg can petite diced tomatoes
-- 3 lb ground turkey or beef or Italian sausage-any kind (turkey, chicken, pork,etc whatever meat you prefer
--1 lg sliced pepperoni, sliced in quarters or as circles
--8 fresh basil leaves, chopped (or 1 T dried)
--1 T dried oregano
--1/2 to 1/3 cup of dried pasta (I don't add the pasta to the soup...I let people add it themselves)
--shredded mozzarella cheese (to add later as a topping)


Use a large Crockpot for this recipe. Serves 10-12 hungry adults with leftovers.

Wash and prepare veggies. Dump them into the crockpot. Cut up the sausage into small pieces--I sliced, then cut the pieces in fourths (or dump in the other meat raw as it will cook in the crockpot) Add to crockpot. Cut up the pepperoni, add it, too. Add basil and oregano. Pour in the pizza sauce, and follow with three empty jars of water (or lg can of tomato juice).

Cover and cook on low for 7-9 hours for the flavors to meld. It will smell very good! Try to not keep opening the lid of the crockpot. Make it when you will be out of the house. (lol)

Thirty minutes before serving, add the dry pasta. It can take 20-30 min to cook. I prefer to make the pasta separate and let people add it to their soup.

Garnish/top with shredded mozzarella cheese. Serve w/ garlic bread! YUMMY-OOOoohh


  1. This is such a wonderful idea! I will definitely come back and link up!

    I'd love it if you'd participate!


  2. My hubby love pizza, but due to the carbs, he only eats the top of the pizza. If I make this soup then he will eat the whole thing Thanks, it will be on my next shopping list.

  3. This sounds so yum, may morph it into Vegetarian, because DH decided he is not eating meat anymore to drive me crazy.

    Stopping by from wishing you a wonderful November to you and yours.
    Simple Daily Challenges for Moms

  4. Pizza soup sounds yummy and flavorful! I love using the crockpot! Thank you for the linky and for stopping by my blog!

  5. Thanks for the invite to link up! I'm a new follower!

  6. I always feel the need to eat something whenever I visit your blog :)
    Thank you so much for linking up to Howlerific halloween #BOO, so far behind over here with a week in DC and then a conference that had no internet (yes, a social media conference with no internet lol)
    Thank you ...loving trick or treating today with a big bag of candy by my side ;)

  7. Thank you so much for the invite! Great idea! I'm your newest follower :)

    -Trish @ Mom On Timeout


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