

Homeschool LInk up and Top 10 Get Kids Fit!

I think that it is time for these kids & homeschoolers to get into shape now that the holidays are over! haha yeah right! Remember that your kids will not get into shape or get fit if you don't do it, too! With kids it is more important to think of ways to get them having fun than saying "we need to exercise".

Here are our top 10 ways to get our kids & homeschoolers fit and to have fun!

1) Make sure that they do their morning workout! Don't let them skip putting on clothes. A good morning workout out includes picking out clothes for the day and taking off the pjs! Don't stop there! Make sure that they put their dirty clothes where they belong and even get doing the laundry! YES! Teach them to do their own laundry.

2) Burn calories while brushing teeth! Set a timer for 2 minutes, turn up the music and jam to tunes while brushing away the overnight grime and germs on the teeth! The music will get the muscles warmed up! Think of this as endurance training!

3) Morning breakfast workout! Get the kids in the kitchen pumping iron! Milk and OJ jugs are heavy and great for resistance training. Pump the boxes of cereal, spoons and more! Really this is fun.

4) Time for school! Don't let your kids be sluggards! Don't drive them to school- make them walk.... the long way! haha This is a RUNNING joke at our house, too! Seriously, though, make them walk to where they do school backward, on all fours, crab walk, etc.

5) During school time the kids might be in just one room all day! What a shame! Have school all over your home. Nothing like getting to those 10,000 daily steps by having class in every room of the house! Get all the kids (and yourself) a pedometer. Help them set goals as to how many steps they want to get in a day! You will just see them bursting with energy to meet their step goals!

Stay tuned for #6-10 next week! Share your ideas below! 


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