

Menu Planning Monday link up

Welcome back to a new Menu Planning Monday! Thanks to all who stopped in and even linked up! I'm following two bloggers who started their new "Simple Dinners" series, 3 Boys and A Dog & Crystal and Company. They have a new theme each week so later, after I read their post I will come back and add more tips to this most on menu planning!

Monday-Thai Green Curry Chicken 

Tuesday-Taco Soup

Wednesday-Leftovers and Veggie Fried Rice 

Thursday-Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce with grilled shrimp and chicken

Friday-Honolulu Burger and leftover pasta
Saturday-Crazy Breakfast with Seneca Onions 
Sunday- Kitchen closed :) Sunday lunch plans & leftovers in evening

Dessert for the week: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls
Bread: Mocha Chip Scones 

Don't forget to check my recipe database for other recipes!
Check the coupon database before going shopping! 
From last week the most clicked link was Melissa's Bargains- Budget Friendly Weekly Meal Plan.
I linked up to Org Junkie MPM today, too! 

DO you have already do menu planning on your blog? Link up below. If you are new, make your post and come back and link up. It will go live Monday morning and stay up until Sunday night. Stop back to get more ideas. You can also post recipes on this link up. (sorry no crafts)

IF you want to host this link up with me on your blog send me an email. I'm looking for a few bloggers to join me. Email me for more details. (cafescrapper at gmail dot com). I kept the same linky so you can find more ideas if you are new this week. The linky will show the newest linked up post this week!

I will be visiting everyone who links up! IF you can't see the linky, let me know. I had to try something new today with this new layout.


  1. Glad you found our blog and invited us to link up! I have a question. For your weekly dessert and bread, do they really last all week? How do you do it? My kids ask for dessert every night. We'll frequently give them an Oreo or something simple if I haven't made anything. We also sometimes say no. :) I've thought about just doing one dessert a week and when it's gone, it's gone. Just wondering how that and the bread works for your family.

  2. Good Morning,
    Your meal plan looks very good, that Taco Soup sounds really good today. Thank you for inviting me to your party and thank you for hosting, hope you have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  3. I linked up! Come on over and check out mine, too! Kelli

  4. Hi Michelle-
    I sent you an email response but wanted to post here incase anyone else wants to know.

    I pretty much make one dessert a week if it works out. I will make anything requested if I have the ingredients on hand to make it without having to go to the store. I didn't have it on the menu but someone asked for Egg Nog. I make it at Christmas but never afterwards because no one asked. I went ahead and picked up the ingredients- so easy to make...check my recipe tab. Anyhow with 3 teens, someone at sometime will need chocolate so I do make as requested.

    Does that help? Same with breads. IF it is unsweet bread I will bake whenever I"m in the mood, if it is requested or on the menu.

    No, most desserts don't last all week here either :)

  5. Hi Susie, thanks for inviting me to the linky party. I make something very similar to your crazy breakfast recipe, and my family loves it. Thanks again and have a great week. :)

  6. Hey Susie,
    I posted my weekly recipe last night thinking it was for the link up that was for today (Monday)... I am new to all this so please forgive me and I will have it straight for next week! LOL I am linking my menu for this week here as it should have been. Desserts don't last long around here either. I will try to do something fun for the kids once a week or so... depending on what I have on hand and how busy the week is. Freezing cupcake (without the frosting) is a great time saver too... and I can pull out a few here and there for after school snacks and they don't all get devoured b/c they don't see them or know that mama has stashed them LOL!

  7. I tried to add my link twice but it work. I'll definitely be back next Monday.

  8. Thanks for your response, but I didn't actually get an email. Yes, it does make sense! Thank you.

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your photos--I'm not that coordinated! Have a great week.

  10. Thank you so much for sharing with our 1st Anniversary Party at Full Plate Thursday. Have a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  11. Taco Soup is a staple in our house this time of year. I love to make it in the crockpot!

  12. Finally getting around to see my blog post entries for Tuesday's Tasty Tidbits. I see you have a blog party too. I'll be joining it tonight, when I get my recipe posted. I hope you will come back to mine as well. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Love this post! I'm having a linky party, and would love for you to join! Here is the link Thanks for sharing!!! I will link up here too! Thanks for hosting!

  14. I posted the Mango Sorber Recipe #1. Thanks so much for hosting this great linky. I've linked you back to my blog.
    I'm hosting a weekly linky over at Natural Mothers Network and would love it if you popped over and linked this post! It would be great to introduce your blog to my readership! Seasonal Celebration Linky Thank you :-).Rebecca x

  15. linked up and following thanks for the linkup.


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