

Pinterest Favorites link up #3

Happy Saturday!

Thanks for joining in for my 3rd week for the Pinterest round up. Each Saturday I'm going to list some of my weekly favorites, in no particular order. 

In the spirit of Pinterest, please pin this post and a few of the links posted. In turn your post will get a pin from me and others who link up. Feel free to use the linky to post your pin address, blog post or some of your favorite links, including your own!

I'm always looking for cohost. If you are interested, leave a comment and I"ll contact you. Make sure you leave your pin name so I can follow you. Thanks to 3 Boys and a Dog and Crystal & Company for being cohost!
If you aren't on Pinterest and want an invite, leave your email address or go look at my top contact page and email me your address and I will send you an invite.

My fans! Check them out :)

3-Turtle Burger (not real turtle meat)
6-Sweets on a Stick- cookbook giveaway


  1. I am on Pinterest but heading out the door soon and back this evening. I think you already follow me, can you link me up for this. I have to leave but just saw this. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Pinterest!!

    Kristi Stout German

  2. Gotcha, Kristi! I added your pin name. Incase you don't know how to do is your link If you if that people will be able to find you :)

  3. Thanks Tara! I already follow you and love what you Pin! Thanks for linking up with us.


Thank you for stopping in at SusieQTpies Cafe! We are serving up family, food & fun!

Please leave a comment so that I can stop over and visit your blog.

FYI I approve every comment before it is published because of the SPAM issue. Don't be alarmed if you comment doesn't show up immediately.

Have a great day!