By now all of the teens should be back to school and settled in for a long school year ahead of them. My teens have been back for a month now and everyone is looking forward to Thanksgiving break! How about your teens?
If you are a regular reader of my blog then you know that I am one of the
U by Kotex Tween Brand Ambassadors. This means that once a month I share with you tips about teens and their period. I'm a mom of 3 teens, two are turning 18 this week and all are girls. So I have seen, heard and done it all when it comes to tween and teen education. Check out the site, to get equipped with information and use it to let your tweens explore topics on what they can expect.
One of the biggest issues that tween and teens face is getting their period when they are at school. Any woman will tell you that this is an issue we face for as long as we have our monthly period. Very few people, if ANY, can predict the exact time they will actually start their monthly period. So how do we go about sharing this with young ones who haven't even had their first period?
During the tween first period talk and other continual discussions, you will want to start preparing them for what will happen if they start when they aren't home. During the first talk that actually discussed the monthly period, I had visual aids! Yes feminine hygiene products, books, pictures and a little zipped case to shore away a few of the products. Their little case included a few pads of various sizes, travel wet wipes, kleenex, small mirror, breath mint, Hershey kiss and a little note from me.
Most everything is self explanatory in the kit. Pads so they don't have to ask anyone for one at school, travel wet wipes to clean up, kleenex to wipe their tears, small mirror to check their face before leaving the stall, breath mint to suck on before they begin (to take their mind off of all the waste product), a Hershey kiss so that they can remember I love them and a note that briefly explains what has happened, what to do and my phone number if they need to call! lol Back in the day I could have added in 1-2 ibuprofen but of course "drugs" aren't allowed in school.
This little case can be kept in their school bag until needed. Once the first period begins, they need to be instructed on keeping supplies in the bag to have products on hand for the just in case surprise moment. No matter how much they are prepared, the initial shock will be a bit tense when it happens. Best is to prepare them for the sign and symptoms they will experience before hand. Teach them that they can start looking for these changes and after the first time they will get better at knowing when they will start again the following month. Be prepared though, it takes awhile for most teens cycle to get regular!
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I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by KotexTween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.