

What are some of your favorite Messy Kid Moments?

What are some of your favorite messy kid moments? Would these memories include dirt? How about paint? Which age do you think is the messiest?

I've been a mom for almost 20 years so I can tell you that it is no secret, kids are messy at any age. The little ones learning to crawl and walk are always needing their hands washed so they do not put their germy hands into their mouth. Toddlers and preschool kids seem to get messy with food, crafts, pets, dirt, and more! School age kids are just as messy and are around more people which can only mean more germs. My teenagers are always picking up little kids and helping them wipe their nose, go to the bathroom, give them snacks or even play with their germy toys. So I've seen age 0 to 18 and they are all messy no matter what the age!

What do your kids get into which require a trip to get their hands washed? Have you tried the new LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap Dispenser? The LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap dispenser is meant to stop the spread of germs at the sink because there is never a need for your messy kids to actually touch the soap! The no-touch action allows soap to automatically dispense a quarter size amount of soap onto the hands of your kiddos.

Besides the kids, I am in total L-O-V-E with my no-touch hand soap kitchen dispenser. It is a little shorter than the bathroom dispenser but just as powerful. The LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap makes cleaning up germy, food prep hands a breeze in the kitchen. 

Do you have a kid who touches everything? What are some of the messiest moments you have seen your kids get into? Have you snapped any pictures of these messy moments? If so I hope you entered The Kid Who Touches Everything Contest.

LYSOL launched The Kid Who Touches Everything Contest last month. The grand prize is a trip to Disney! Woot! The contest is no purchase necessary and runs 2/25/13-5/25/13. It is open to US residents ages 18+. Void where prohibited and click here for official contest rules.

I participated in a campaign on behalf of MomCentral Consulting for LYSOL®. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.


  1. My kids are pretty messy but like to have clean hands right away! I wonder if I could snap a picture fast enough to enter the contest! A trip to Disney sounds great!

  2. Ha ha ha...we could win this one! Holy moly I have messy kids!


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