

Menu Monday Plan with Recipes and Menu Plan link up

Welcome back to Menu Planning Monday! Thanks to all for stopping in and even linking up your tasty recipes and menu plans

Healthy Recipes
Live Right Be Healthy Chicken Tacos on a Grain Free Tortilla (recipe on Thursday)

Monday-Savory Pork Roast with Apple Stuffing and a huge veggie filled salad.

Tuesday-Asian Night- Veggie Fried Rice, family favorite & easy to make Crab Rangoon and Beef and Snow Pea Stir-Fry

Wednesday- Leftovers or something easy from 12 Healthier Recipes. I think it would be a good night to make a dessert like the Skinny No-Bake Peanut Butter Pie from that list.

Thursday - Live Right Be Healthy is the featured recipe from last week with her Chicken Tacos on a Grain-Free Tortilla (Picture on top)- these look great. I love the healthy recipes on her blog and can't wait to try this on my family. 

This is a good night to also serve my Crock Pot Refried Beans. In case you missed the recipe that I posted stop over and check out how easy these are to make. They are so much healthier than the can beans. I am also giving away a $400 Blendtec blender/yogurt package with this recipe! It ends soon.

Friday-Grilled Corn Veggie Portobello Mushroom Burger from the healthy recipe list as well as left over crock pot refried beans.

Weekend- Definitely making the Healthy Breakfast Sandwiches on the go for my girls this weekend. I'm going to make extra for them to take on their way to school, too. 
menu plans

Featured Menu Plan from last weeks link party-The Auld Grey Mare's Menu- She included in her menu how to make a bone broth, Been Stew with Mushrooms and how to get to the end of the month with what you have on hand. 

If you haven't subscribed to my new newsletter I sure hope you do! Sometime this week I will be sending out my first one and I will have a special giveaway just for subscribers! It is easy to subscribe to. You just need to make sure you confirm your subscription in your email! Thanks much. 

I've linked up at OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday link up and always check out 3 Boys and a Dog menus.


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my blog, and for hosting this blog hop - I never fail to get great ideas from it!

  2. thanks for the linky great way to start the week. I added my assortment of St patrick day treats

  3. Super excited for that tortilla recipe that's coming ... I'll be back for it, for sure!

  4. Thank you for the party Susie :)


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