

Ultimate Blog Party 2013 $50 Amazon Giveaway for 5 Minutes for Mom

Welcome to the 2013 Ultimate Blog Party hosted each year by 5 Minutes For Mom.
I'm so excited that you found your way here via the party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

  • You can find Family, Food and Fun (and zombies) here at my blog. 
  • I'm the mom of 3 teen girls, 1 hubby and 3 cats. 
  • I work full time as an online Virtual Assistant with emphasis on running Social Media accounts, Blog editor work, creating recipes for companies, creating content for websites and much much more! If you are looking for a Virtual Assistant feel free to email me ( and let me know what you need! 
  • You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
  • I also run a group of bloggers who give support to each other for various reasons. If you need help on your blog, email me and I will see what we can do to help you (no charge!)
  • Stop in on Monday mornings to join my weekly Menu Plan Monday where you can link up anything food related.
  • Stop in on Saturday mornings to join my weekly Pinterest Party! Link up anything you want to get a pin on Pinterest!
A Party always involves food. Here are a few of my reader favorite recipes.

A Party always involves a gift. 
  • Just by showing up here and registering for my blog newsletter you will be entered to win $50 Amazon Gift card. You can use this to buy anything on Amazon!!! Woot! Consider this your gift!!

  • Leave a comment to let me know that you registered & what name you used to register. 
  • If you have a party post on your blog, leave that link in the linky so that I can come visit your page, too! 
Keep on partying! I hope to see you around. Don't forget to leave your party link so that I can come visit your blog, too!


  1. Subscribed to newsletter via email: jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

  2. Subscribe by email donnyandshelly {at} {yahoo} {dot} {com}

  3. I'm subscribed to your newsletter under luvsamnjules at gmail dot com

  4. Hey, subscribed to the newsletter at lisa {at} squishablebaby {dot} com

    Also, loving the food over here. I love food, so maybe this blog is a great fit! Ha!

  5. I'm an email subscriber

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. I am already subscribed! keshakeke(at)gmail(dot)com
    thank you for the giveaway!

  7. I am a loyal subscriber under the email wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  8. registered amanda hoffman

  9. So awesome that you're a virtual assistant. I always wondered how those work, and was always interested in something like that. Cool.

    Stopping by to say hi via ubp!

  10. I brought Chocolate Espresso Donuts! Woot! Thanks so much!

  11. I subscribed to your newsletter suesur at msn dot com Susan G

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi! It's been a while since I've been here. Great to see you at the party this year!

  16. Subscribed! My email used was

  17. I signed up for the newsletter under pixiedustedhomeschool at yahoo dot com

    Thank you!

  18. Hi! enjoy your blog a lot. I'm Pam and I registered with I'm also going to email you because i have a couple questions.

  19. Those brownies look awesome! That is great you support other bloggers!

    Nice to 'meet' you!

    Stopping by to say hi from the Ultimate Blog Party!

  20. I subscribed under saredn and I blog at Thanks for the opportunity!!

  21. Hey! I signed up for your newsletter... Just waiting on my confirmation email. my email is I found you via blog party!

  22. Hi SusieQT.
    Love blogging, cats, and food! I hit the jackpot with your blog. Great job. Looking forward to following and interacting!

    Christine Michaels

    I registered email: fit2bhealthy[at]yahoo [dot]com

  23. I'm an email subscriber

    Susan Smith
    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  24. I entered using my email jmeblogger :)

  25. I'm subscribed... curfgirl at yahoo dot com. That picture of Buckeye Brownies is calling my name very loudly.

  26. I'm your newest follower. I can' t wait to see what all you post. Your recipes look so good! Subscribed via tamar mcguire

  27. Just stopping by from the UBP13. We hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk.

  28. Hey Girl, thank you for joining the party again! We love and appreciate your support.

    And my mouth is watering now. LOL


Thank you for stopping in at SusieQTpies Cafe! We are serving up family, food & fun!

Please leave a comment so that I can stop over and visit your blog.

FYI I approve every comment before it is published because of the SPAM issue. Don't be alarmed if you comment doesn't show up immediately.

Have a great day!