

Happy National Running Day {June 4}

Happy National Running Day to all the runners out there! I'm a runner and love it. I do not think running is the sport for everyone but I do think that if you want to run you can. I say that everyone can run and I believe it because I have lived it. Two years ago I started on a healthier lifestyle journey where I could not even walk 2 times around our gym track without stopping, sitting and out of breath (18 times around is 1 mile). Now I run and can't believe there was a time when I couldn't even walk 2 laps. So yes over time anyone can run if they want to. Keep in touch with me and join my FREE Fitness Group!

My first race

So being National Running Day I wanted to let you all know that I joined a Summer Running Challenge that began Memorial Day and RUNS through 4th of July. This is a 40 day challenge to run 1 mile a day for 40 Days. Never have I ran more than 1 day in a row or even 7 miles in a week. As I write this post I'm on day 8 so 8 miles of running in 8 days! It is all very exciting for me because I really want to be a runner and have been preparing to run for 2 years at the gym. I already do cardio and strength training so my body has been ready to run. How about you? Do you run?

*You can follow my 40 Day Summer Running Challenge on Instagram and also by using the hashtag #RWRunStreak*

If you know where to buy this shirt please let me know!

I have found that I respond to exercise challenges. How about you? If you need a challenge do something for 40 days in a row! You will either love it more and develop a strong habit or you will find that you totally hate it and move on to something else.

If you are interested in running and/or exercising here are tips, advice, healthy eating tips and more for you to explore. IF you want to get inspired, follow my blog for more ideas. If you want easy access to me and others who are trying to keep motivated to exercise, join my MakeTime group on Facebook.

Top 10 Exercise Funnies
It is Easy to Get Fit At Home
Best Exercise Equipment to Workout at Home
Tips on How to Choose the Right Exercise Shoes
Tips to Exercise in Comfort and Style

Exercise Challenge
Get Fit with Heart Rate Monitors
Top 5 Zumba Products to Get You Fit
Tips and Ideas to Get the Family Fit!
Tips for Working Out While Pregnant

Tips to Fall in Love with Running
Nutrition and Exercise Tips
30 Day Plank Challenge

NEED help getting started running or want an accountability partner? Connect with me below:

  1. Joining this ab challenge which includes 4 different exercises to do daily.  Anyone can do it. It also involves squats which work your leg muscles. (more on that at a later post) Follow the Make Time for Abs challenge group to get inspired and have accountability partners.
  2. Clean up your every day eating so that when it comes time to go to parties you can enjoy the company, holiday spirit and food without gaining the average weight gain. Follow the Make Time for Clean Eating challenge group to learn more.
  3. Learn about overall health and nutrition and join our FREE Fitness GroupMake Time for Healthier Lifestyle.
Do yourself a favor and do this today! Why not be above average and ahead of the weight loss group at the office by starting to get healthy now instead of January 1st. Either way you can find me here and at all of the above groups to help inspire and motivate you daily.

My first 5K Run was a Zombie Run! Challenge yourself to a 5K even if you just walk the run! Get a group together or have a partner to do it with you. Commit to at least one to see if you like it and what you need to do to improve! 

As promised, here are some of our healthier recipes. Enjoy! 

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