

Top 10 Morning Habits of Men

How do the men in your life start their day? What are some of their morning habits? The order of habits vary man to man but I bet there are a lot of similarities  Here are a few of my favorite morning habits of men and fun photos to go with them! They aren't in any particular order. This is a sponsored post by Global Influence but my own opinions are shared here today as always on my blog. 

Morning Habits of Men

#1 Coffee, well rounded breakfast and the announcement of completed morning task in the bathroom.

#2 To shave or not to shave? How about let's look at all my cool razor blades and then decide what type of shave I want today. This includes maybe making a trip to the local barber for a straight shave. (You can Shave with Swagger, too!)

#3 Which socks should I wear today? White, Black, Black with a pattern or a colorful pair that goes with all outfits and shoes?

#4 Which shirt should I wear today? Official looking or casual?

#5 What would Jesus do next? Check email and Faceobok.

#6 Think about the bacon in the fridge. Wish, hope and pray the wife can hear him thinking about said bacon.

 #7 Say morning prayers with the family.

#8 Take the kids for a walk and feed the dog. Or was that take the dog for a walk and feed the kids? 

#9 Figure out how to bring home the bacon today. Maybe the wife will fry some tomorrow?

#10 Is it nap time, yet? 

This of course is all in fun but you get the picture! I'm sure men have a similar impression of the morning habits of women! 

Sometimes our men need an extra boost to feel awake! Thanks to Dove Men+Care Fresh Awake deodorant there is hope for them! This deodorant can give up to a 48 hour protection again odor and wetness with added moisturizer. It includes a long-lasting freshness with an energizing scent.

Maybe we can help jumpstart the day for the men in our lives buy picking up a container of Dove Men+Care Fresh Awake deodorant? If you are anything like me then you might want a coupon to try this new product. Guess what? You can get a click-to-print coupon for $1 off Dove Men+Care Fresh Awake deodorant at Walmart. Click to print before they run out! 

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Do your part and help the men in your life feel fresh awake in the morning! 

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