

30 Day Ab Challenge

Who is up for a little bit of an ab challenge? What is an ab you ask? It is more like abs and that stands for abdominal which refers to your abdominal muscles. What? Why do we need an ab challenge? An ab challenge will help you work your abdominal muscles to strengthen the core of your body. The ab muscle can't be built up over night. They need continues work to get that "six pack" ab look. 

Thanks to 30 Day Fitness Challenges for this great graphic.
Besides working on an ab challenge such as the one below, we have to work on our overall healthy lifestyle. What you don't know what that means? It means we need to clean up what we eat, stop eating CRAP and start eating real FOOD. You can find out more about that in my Make Time for Clean Eating group. Click over and ask to join this free group to help you understand what CRAP really stands for and what real FOOD you should be eating. All are welcome in the group.

Yes we are now entering a month long grazing season between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Did you know that the average American gains 7-10 pounds from Halloween through the new year? Guess what YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE AVERAGE! I want you to be below average, like WAY below average.

Anyone want some of these abs? You have to work for them!

You can do this today by

  1. Joining this ab challenge which includes 4 different exercises to do daily.  Anyone can do it. It also involves squats which work your leg muscles. (more on that at a later post) Follow the Make Time for Abs challenge group to get inspired and have accountability partners.
  2. Clean up your every day eating so that when it comes time to go to parties you can enjoy the company, holiday spirit and food without gaining the average weight gain. Follow the Make Time for Clean Eating challenge group to learn more.
  3. Learn about overall health and nutrition and join our FREE Fitness Group, Make Time for Healthier Lifestyle.
  4. Learn how to clean up that diet, HERE with the 21 Day Fix! Autumn is on this and knows what to do! 
Do yourself a favor and do this today! Why not be above average and ahead of the weight loss group at the office by starting to get healthy now instead of January 1st. Either way you can find me here and at all of the above groups to help inspire and motivate you daily.

BTW the time spent doing the Ab Challenge will slowly increase daily to help you build up your core. You only have to do the time shown on the challenge chart once a day.

THIS SALE IS OVER! Keep in touch as I'm sure we'll have a spring sale!

Don't forget to join my FREE Fitness Group!

Join my free mailing list to keep updated on future challenges, healthier recipes, easy exercises and more!


  1. Thanks for this. I definitely need to get back on track!!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I love joining in on new challenges such as this- a little extra motivation to stay in shape!

  3. Ahhhhh I've always been a fan of a good about challenge!!!! Which reminds me I should plan to do one for December ;-) hot ads for Santa hehehe ;-)

  4. Sounds like a challenge I'd like to do, just hoping I can stick to it! I suck at keeping to schedules.

  5. This is great information. I need to get back on track and this would be the way to do it.

  6. I have never had nice abs. My goal is to change that, though! :)

  7. I think all of us can probably fit a little ab work into a day. It doesn't really take that long!

  8. I've been slacking on my fitness the past few weeks. I needed this motivation as I am not loving my abs lately!

  9. I should also do this ab challenge. It would be nice to shed some pounds and inches before the holiday festivities.

  10. I should also do this ab challenge. It would be nice to shed some pounds and inches before the holiday festivities.

  11. I wish I could exercise like I want to. My back injuries prevent it. Thanks for sharing.

  12. yes I need this. I'm about to start working out and need all the tips I can get.

  13. I personally joined a gym two weeks ago, it's the best thing I've ever done! I'm so happy to keep continuing it! :)

  14. I personally joined a gym two weeks ago, it's the best thing I've ever done! I'm so happy to keep continuing it! :)

  15. My biggest problem is my belly fats. I think i really need this. Thank you for sharing this :)

  16. I've been wanting to do a challenge like this. This one sounds great. Thanks for sharing :)

  17. I love those challenges as I feel more motivated. They work well on me. Thanks for sharing

  18. This looks like a great way to get toned. I will have to save this page and see if i can do this challenge.

  19. This looks like a great way to get fit this Christmas! I don't think I can do this challenge though now that I am pregnant.

  20. I´m all for a clean diet but I´ll pass on the ab challenge. ;) I´m not overweight and all my health stats are fine.

  21. This ab challenge is great but ab workouts are really the hardest. I think I'll start on it next year.


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